“Heartfulness Retreat is a weekend program for new seekers to come and stay in the serene and pious environment of Kanha Shanti Vanam and get introduced to the Heartfulness practices.”
These 3 days would be to get introduced to Heartfulness as well as a dive into the offerings at Kanha. Detailed agenda is given below. Participants are welcome to come on prior day evening to the start of the program.
Click on the below to open for registration (Sign-in as per the need)
If you need any further details or information, please do reach out welcome@heartfulness.org or call our toll free 1800 103 7726 Whatsapp +917871077888
Looking forward to host you again!
Anybody above 15 years of age can attend the program. It starts on Friday afternoon and concludes at Sunday lunchtime. This program is free for participants, in which accommodation at dorms and food at common dining hall is provided. Donations are welcome.
Program includes practical session of Heartfulness practices, Kanha tour, Yoga, Brighter Minds, Polarity, Open discussion forums, Me time to introspect, Free time to explore the various offerings at Kanha premises and a lifetime connectivity with the community afterwards.
Participants will get a welcome card after attending the whole program.
Venue of Training – North Building N32 & N33
Accommodation East Comfort Dorm (Separate stay for Males & Females)