
Chakras and the Moment of Death: A Spiritual Perspective

Chakras and the Moment of Death_ A Spiritual Perspective.jpg

Hush my dear, you're perfectly safe. Your fire has moved up to the heart chakra to mix with the air in your heart. That's why you were trembling. Just hold on to me. Close to the end, aren't I? Perhaps you're just close to a new beginning.

The purpose of this video is to understand what really happens at the moment of death. There are no heavens and no hells, allowing the soul to rise higher and higher. It's a state of heaven; death is not the end point of our existence, but the end point of our current life. Existence continues beyond death.

The Process of Death

Yogis have mimicked the process of death and have glimpsed what happens as death approaches. The first element that gets dissolved is the element of earth, which is largely located in the basal plexus, known as the Muladhara Chakra. Muladhara means fundamental support or basic support. When this support is dissolved, the body starts disintegrating.

Movement of Energy Through Chakras

As the earth element dissolves, the energy rises to the next chakra, the Hypogastric Plexus or Swadhisthana Chakra, which is associated with the water element. This causes shakiness, uncertainty, and loss of confidence, making the hands and feet colder.

Next, the energy moves from the hypogastric plexus to the solar plexus, or Nabi Chakra, associated with the fire element. This causes the body above the navel to become warmer, leading to simultaneous cold and hot sensations.

When the energy from the Nabi Chakra moves to the cardiac plexus or Anahata Chakra, where the air element prevails, the entire body starts trembling due to the nature of the air element.

The Final Stages

As the energy moves away from the heart chakra to the pharyngeal plexus, or Kanta Chakra, the soul is ready to exit the body. The soul may exit through the mouth, nose, eyes, or ears. However, if a person has undergone significant spiritual practice and attained liberation, the soul will exit through the Brahmaranda Chakra located at the occipital part of the brain.

The Soul's Journey After Death

A highly advanced soul in terms of consciousness will reach a higher dimension after death. If not, the soul will remain in a state of limbo, awaiting the next birth. This understanding emphasizes that death is not the end but a transition to a new beginning, with the soul's journey continuing based on its spiritual advancement.

