What is Meditation?
Meditation is a simple way of freeing your mind, forgetting about daily anxieties and focusing on mental relaxation. Going into a meditative state involves learning to become a passive observer of one’s thoughts. It does not mean suppressing them or attempting to force them to disappear.
Meditation is the process of continuous focus on one object for a prolonged period of time. It is a gentle, subtle method which does not require any force or pressure on the mind. The result you gain out of the practice is increased concentration and focus.
Just like developing any other skill, meditation requires regularity of practice. There are common misconceptions that meditation is something difficult, which requires years of practice to achieve any kind of result. This is simply untrue. People often report feeling the benefits of meditation immediately after their first session. You can begin today and experience it yourself with just a few steps.
How to Meditate for Beginners:
Here are five tips for beginners to learn how to meditate:
1) Find a quiet, peaceful place.
2) Sit comfortably, with eyes closed and
3) Begin with a suggestion that the source of light is within my heart and it is attracting me inwards.
4) Meditate for 10 minutes, or until you feel ready to come out of the meditation.
5) Repeat it every day, in the morning and the evening. Incorporating this time for quiet contemplation and reflection can bring you enormous mental and physical benefits.
Benefits of Meditation:
How many times have you felt that 24 hours are not enough in a day? Whether you’re a student or a professional, you are trapped in this fast-moving world, where it is increasingly more difficult to find time for oneself.
Usually, when we take a break from our busy schedules, we spend time on our mobile phones or laptops. It is harmful not only for the eyes but also for the mind. The mind is like a pendulum. It keeps swinging from one extremity to another. What we require is centeredness. To regulate the mind and give it some rest, the best medicine you can give it is meditation.
Yes, that’s right!
Meditation acts like a battery-recharger. Just 10 minutes of meditation will leave you feeling calm and refreshed and better able to tackle the rest of your workload.
So how does meditation help us to maximize the 24 hours of the day? Here we go:
Reduces stress and bring peace: Most people understand that meditation reduces stress and promotes peace of mind. As you allow your mind to settle on one continuous thought, instead of being pulled in all directions, your stress level reduces. Other health problems like high blood pressure, irregular or high heartbeat, high pulse rate, abnormal breathing patterns, and anxiety also are regulated.
Helps in concentration: Meditation is a great aid in regulating your mind. The mind’s tendency is to think a lot and to be easily pulled in different directions depending on our personal likes and dislikes. When you pay attention to every unnecessary thought, you are drawn away from what is truly important. Practicing meditation helps you to gently ignore what is unnecessary and focus more on what is important. This gives you greater clarity and makes you faster and more capable of anything that you do.
Helps you sleep better: If you have ever laid your head on a pillow and then struggled for hours to sleep because of thoughts racing through your mind, then meditation is ideal for you! We are often stuck in limbo, worrying about the past and the future which interferes with our sleep at night. If you practice meditation on a regular basis, you will gradually begin to cherish the present moment. Worries of the day and the future will not trouble you, allowing you to sleep soundly. When you wake up the next morning, you’ll feel lighter and fresher. Maintaining a balanced sleep cycle can help to eliminate many health problems.
Makes you emotionally stronger: Wondering how? During the meditation process, where we are constantly focusing our attention on one thing, we learn to let go of unnecessary thoughts. Meditation is a process of spending time with yourself and is a journey of self-discovery. By understanding ourselves, we are able to build our emotional resilience and tap into our inner intuition. Daily struggles and irritations will no longer impact you, as you remain centered in yourself and the present moment.
Keeps you active throughout the day: One who is committed to balancing their mental energies is also a lot more energized. The positivity that you develop in your mind will give you the zest and enthusiasm to maximize your productivity throughout the day. When you feel calmer and happier, your relationships with people around you grow stronger.
Reading the theory in this article is not of much help unless you actually experience it for yourself!
If you need any assistance, get in touch with a Heartfulness trainer, who will help you find peace and happiness through meditation. You can avail of free meditation classes by signing up for updates on the Heartfulness website.
Heartfulness Meditation:
Heartfulness Meditation is the simplest meditation technique, supported by a yogic transmission. It is a suitable method to quickly include in your busy schedule and which can be done in the comfort of your own home, there are 3 different ways in which you can check if this technique is suitable to you.
1 Register for Meditation masterclasses, and avail of 3 free sessions;
Learning to meditate has never been so simple. Get started and see for yourself!