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December 2020
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November 30, 2020
Letter to my younger self
In 2015, ERICK JOSEPH filmed CHARLES EISENSTEIN in a short interview for a younger audience. Charles wrote a short essay to accompany

November 30, 2020
Reconnecting with the soul of the world
REJOINING THE GREAT CONVERSATION LLEWELLYN VAUGHAN-LEE delivers a heartfelt plea to all of us to open our hearts and care for our Mother Ea

November 30, 2020
In 2017, DR. VANDANA SHIVA spoke with KIM HUGHES about the sacredness of the Earth, the work she has been doing to bring awareness and change

November 30, 2020
The solution to the biggest problem in the world today
NEALE DONALD WALSCH addresses the underlying cause of our global dysfunctions today and challenges us all to solve them, together, through one sing

November 30, 2020
Raspberries as agents of change
ALANDA GREENE explores the topic of perception, through her experience of picking raspberries in the garden, and understanding the importa

November 30, 2020
Human evolution
AN ART ESSAYBRIGITTE SMITH was a refugee as a child, so the questions of why and whereto came with a certain urgency. She was educated at art school i