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June 2020

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Outcomes of qualities

May 31, 2020

Outcomes of qualities

Selfish, folly Selfless, rewarding Wisdom, transforms Unity, transcends Anonymity, shines Harmony, comforts Prayer,

Expressions - part 2

May 31, 2020

Expressions - part 2

ART ESSAYIn this delightful interview and art essay, BHAMINI SHREE shares her journey of expression through painting with MEGHANA ANAND. Through art,

The second arrow

May 31, 2020

The second arrow

MEREDITH KLEIN shares her thoughts and experience on self-generosity, and especially how to avoid the Buddha’s concept of the second arrow. A teac

From tolerance to appreciation

May 31, 2020

From tolerance to appreciation

MARILYN TURKOVICH is the current Executive Director of the Charter for Compassion, which provides an umbrella for people to engage in collaborative pa

Raising consciousness - part 1

May 31, 2020

Raising consciousness - part 1

In April 2020, BRUCE LIPTON, who was in New Zealand at the time, spoke to UDAY KUMAR about the transition our planet is going through right now, and