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March 2019
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March 4, 2019
The power of the pause
DONNA CAMERON is the author of A Year of Living Kindly. Here she reflects on the importance of creating space between stimulus and respon

March 4, 2019
A spiritual revolution in management science
PROFESSOR RAMNATH NARAYANSWAMY from the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, shares with V. SRINIVASAN something of his own journe

March 4, 2019
Heart roots
ROSALIND PEARMAIN looks at the emotional issues facing young people today, and shares her research findings on the importance of feeling safe and

March 4, 2019
Bhikku monks
AN ART ESSAY The Buddha said: These four are the foodstuffs, ye bhikkus, which sustain the creatures that are born, and benefit the creatures t

March 3, 2019
Bringing your system to balance
VASCO GASPAR is a Mindfulness consultant and Heartfulness trainer living in Portugal. Here he shares a simple effective practice to down-regulate emot