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October 2020

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The birds of northern Sydney, Australia

September 30, 2020

The birds of northern Sydney, Australia

A PHOTO ESSAY HAN VAN DEN HEUVEL is an avid naturalist and photographer, and here he shares with us his love of the local native bird

Alone but not lonely

September 29, 2020

Alone but not lonely

DR. JAY THIMMAPURAM explores the science of loneliness and how it impacts our health and well-being. He also shares some simple things we can do in or

Letter to my daughter

September 29, 2020

Letter to my daughter

My dear daughter,With instant communication, the art of letter writing is lost on today’s generation. Of course, there has not been much need for us t

Poem for my daughters

September 29, 2020

Poem for my daughters

As I watch my daughters navigate an imperfect world, a world that is cruel and at times crushing, I see them searching for the light as a way of bein