HomeContributorsAnne-Grethe Kousgaard

Anne-Grethe Kousgaard

Anne-Grethe loves Nature and art, and is a spiritual seeker. As an artist she works in many media, from photography to collage to sculpture to painting to mural work. She has also been inspiring many children creatively over the years in the Heartfulness Center in the Danish countryside at Vrads Sande, and continues to do so.

june 01,2018
ANNE-GRETHE KOUSGAARD shares her love of both Nature and art in this series of leaf paintings. As an artist sh works i many media, from photography to collage to sculpture to painting to mural work. A...
june 2018
july 01,2017
Is there someone whose face you would love to draw or paint? It can be someone you know or someone you don’t know. Either find the person and ask if you can paint them, or use a photo of the pers...
july 2017
march 31,2017
Right now it is springtime in the northern hemisphere and autumn in the southern hemisphere. In the south, the leaves are changing color and falling from many of the trees, as the days get shorter...
march 2017
december 30,2016
Next time you are on the beach, in the forest, or by a river, choose some stones to collect to paint with your friends or family. Make sure you check that they are not stones with moss, lichen or ...
december 2016
october 02,2016
Dreamcatchers have always been used as charms by Native Americans. They are hung above the bed, to protect sleeping children from nightmares and instead give them good dreams. The design is based...
october 2016
june 30,2016
I am an artist and a spiritual seeker. My creative drive is a deep longing. In art I look for what is behind the outer appearance for what is within – a reflection of...
june 2016