Dacher Keltner
Dacher is a professor in UC Berkeley’s Psychology Department and faculty director of the Greater Good Science Center. His research focuses on the biological and evolutionary origins of compassion, awe, love, beauty, and power, social class and inequality. He is the author of the best-selling Born to Be Good: The Science of a Meaningful Life, The Compassionate Instinct, and most recently The Power Paradox: How We Gain and Lose Influence. He has written for The New York Times, The London Times, The Wall Street Journal, SLATE, and Utne Reader, and received numerous national prizes and grants for his research. He was a consultant on Pixar’s film Inside Out, has worked with Facebook to make the site more kind, and on projects at Google on altruism and emotion. He collaborates with the Sierra Club to help veterans and inner city kids outdoors. He is married with two teenage daughters, and loves camping, backpacking, Mexican food, Iggy Pop, African Music, Art Museums, Yoga and friends.
march 01,2017
In conversation with DACHER KELTNER
PROFESSOR DACHER KELTNER is passionate about social justice and just as passionate about the experience of awe and
wonder in daily life. How does a professor of ...
march 2017
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