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Hester O Connor

Dr Hester O Connor is a Clinical Psychologist who manages a psychology service in the Irish Health Service. She lives in Wicklow, the Garden of Ireland, loves chatting with friends, drinking Darjeeling tea, and listening to pop music.
december 04,2022
HESTER O CONNOR shares an account of her personal research into the experience of a 3-day meditation retreat. How easy it was to look for distraction afterward!I have been practicing Heartfulness Medi...
december 2022
december 04,2022
MARGARET SCHENKMAN, ROSALIND PEARMAIN, HESTER O CONNOR, and KRISHNAMURTHY JAYANNA address some of the challenges of doing research on consciousness, and ...
december 2022
november 01,2022
DR. HESTER O CONNOR, a clinical psychologist, shares some simple ways to help children know what is going on inside their hearts and minds. The ability to recognize and manage feel...
november 2022
may 01,2016
DR HESTER O CONNOR shares some tips on how to support children after a death in the family.When someone in the family dies, it can be daunting for parents to manage their own grief. How can we help ou...
may 2016
january 05,2016
Clinical psychologist, Dr HESTER O CONNOR, offers some insights into keys aspects of having a good relationship with your teenage children.Did it ever occur to you why flight attendants suggest before...
january 2016