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December 2023
To end the year festively, this month we reflect on the many forms of giving - with Pawo Choyning Dorji's award-winning film Lunana, Barbara Bush's social activism and community building, Liz Kingsnorth's Heartful Communication, Zach Bush's spirituality, and Karen Eyþórsdóttir's green city.
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee gives through cooking, Suraj Sehgal offers 4 ways to be a better friend, and Charles Eisenstein is living in the gift. Tracie Pape asks if we are showing up for ourselves, and Papiguy from Montpellier tells a beautiful story about giving in time for the festive season.
Finally, Daaji inspires us to take stock of the year, and explore our inner world.
We are grateful to you for turning and scrolling the pages of our magazine. We hope you feel renewed, more connected to the Earth, and supported at work and at home, allowing your inner creativity to flourish, strengthening your relationships, and learning ways to care and give.
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