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May 2024
In March 2024, 60,000 people gathered at Kanha Shanti Vanam for an interfaith celebration organized by the MInistry of Culture, Government of India, and Heartfulness Institute. People came from 300 organizations around the globe, along with the Hon'ble President and Hon'ble Vice President of India.
There were plenary talks and panel discussions, exhibitions and stalls, activities and practical experiences, musical performances, and group meditations. We shared meals, accommodation, and all the other facilities at Kanha Shanti Vanam, and came away with a deeper understanding of ourselves and each other. This Global Spirituality Mahotsav was an opportunity to develop harmony, peace, and heart coherence among people from all different backgrounds and walks of life. And the HeartMath research conducted during the event showed it worked: Our coherence was significant!
This month's edition does a deep dive into the Mahotsav with Daaji on love, Rollin McCraty on heart coherence, Joseph Howell on connecting with the inner child, Sofia Stril-Rever on peace, Gour Gopal Das on managing problems, Nilakshi Rajkhowa on the world as one family, Sravan Banda on cultivating peace through the environment, Aaryan Arora on becoming his own influence, Siddharth Kak on creativity, Sara Bubber on time, and very specially, the Rt. Hon. Patricia Scotland, KC, Secretary-General of the Commonwealth bestows a special honor upon Daaji.
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