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October 2023
October 10 is World Mental Health Day, a day to raise awareness and efforts around the world. In many countries, mental health issues are still either taboo or approached as the remedial treatment of mental illness. Yoga, Ayurveda, TCM, and the other ancient traditions have a broader approach, treating mind, emotions, and body together, not separately, and seeing mental well-being as a progressive journey toward higher states of wholeness and expansion of consciousness.
So, in this edition, we explore mental wellness in more depth. Daaji offers tips on becoming whole, and creating a healthy environment for young people. Acharya Shree Varma explains the simplicity of the Ayurvedic approach to mental wellness. Siddhartha V. Shah describes the healing effect of art on slowing down. Thomas Stanley celebrates the positive benefits of decluttering using the principles of Shinto, and Mary Kerrigan the value of vital space-making. Vedo Chatterjee experiments with being present, and Mamata Subramanyam with shining the inner light. Ichak Adizes explores the effect of early experiences on our current mental state, Paridhi Singh experiences burnout and recovery, and Kajal Gupta gives us 5 tips for mindful parenting.
What will you do today to expand your mental well-being? Remember to share your stories with us at contributions@heartfulnessmagazine.com.
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