Barbara Sonvilla
Barbara is a long-time Heartfulness practitioner and trainer. She has been a course developer and instructor in art and cultural history at European universities. Barbara has additional training in integrative health and continuous health education. Her passion is to combine ancient wisdom, traditional knowledge, and cutting-edge integrative health science. Through hands-on workshops she inspires and encourages people toward self-empowerment and self-care. She is a Heartfulness trainer.
july 01,2024
BARBARA SONVILLA shares her experience of using one of the Peacefulness intentions while swimming in the sea in the Persian Gulf. The outcome is astounding and shows just how effective these simple in...
july 2024
december 30,2021
writes about the divine feminine, the global awakening of women, and their
growing role in leadership. She celebrates women telling their stories and
taking action to b...
december 2021
december 01,2021
BARBARA SONVILLA writes about the divine feminine and the global awakening of women. She celebrates women telling their stories and taking action to bring alive a collective awareness of the need to r...
december 2021
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