HomeContributorsRosalind Pearmain

Rosalind Pearmain

Ros lives in Abingdon near Oxford, UK, and has worked with groups of all ages during her working life. She has always been interested in how we can change and transform. In recent years she has been teaching psychotherapy and qualitative research and is a Heartfulness trainer.

november 01,2023
ROSALIND PEARMAIN explores the reasons we meditate, and how they evolve over time. As we expand our awareness, we move from the mundane to the sublime, and experience more of our humanity and our inne...
november 2023
april 02,2023
ROSALIND PEARMAIN explores the notion of losing balance and restoring it, and how we have to lose our old balance in order to find a new one. A Pilates teacher once suggested...
april 2023
december 04,2022
ROSALIND PEARMAIN challenges our current worldview on research methodology, and the relative importance of left-brain and right-brain p...
december 2022
february 28,2021
ROSALIND PEARMAIN, Ph.D., has been integrating the fields of psychology, psychotherapy, and spirituality, through both practical and philosophical approaches, for over 40 years. Here she explores the ...
february 2021
august 02,2019
ROSALIND PEARMAIN has been a Heartfulness practitioner for over 40 years. Here she shares some tips from her own experience that can help deepen meditation and take us further on the journey of ...
august 2019
april 02,2019
ROSALIND PEARMAIN shares feelings and experiences about how consciousness evolves in the heart through human life, and how meditation allows us to access those subtler states of fluid...
april 2019