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Vandana Shiva

Dr Shiva is a force of Nature! She is a scholar, researcher, environmental activist and advisor to governments worldwide, who has helped to draft laws to protect the Earth and the farmers whose livelihoods depend on her bounty. She has also authored over 20 books. She is one of the leaders of the International Forum on Globalization and promotes the traditional practices of sustainable agriculture, biodiversity and indigenous knowledge. She funded the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology, which lead to the creation of Navdanya. She has received many prizes and awards for her tireless and inspiring work spanning 50 years.
november 30,2020
In 2017, DR. VANDANA SHIVA spoke with KIM HUGHES about the sacredness of the Earth, the work she has been doing to bring awareness and change in the field of sustainable agriculture, and the...
november 2020
november 01,2017
IN CONVERSATION WITH DR VANDANA SHIVAQ: Dr Shiva, you have been working tirelessly for years to bring awareness and change in the field of sustainable agriculture and ecological diversity, in India an...
november 2017