HomeVolume 9- Issue 10Volume 9- Issue 10 6 ways to stay positive

JOSH BULRISS shares his tips for staying positive in settings where negativity prevails. They are especially useful in the workplace, where tensions sometimes run high.


Have you ever felt surrounded by negativity, especially at work, or even at home? It can be frustrating and exhausting, especially when it starts to affect your own mood. Whether it’s one person or several contributing to the negative atmosphere, it’s easy to get caught up in the bad vibes. But you don’t have to let negativity bring you down. Instead, you can take a more mindful approach to maintain your positivity. By focusing on the present moment, setting meaningful goals, and staying centered, you can rise above the negativity and keep your outlook bright. Here are some tips and ideas to help you stay positive, no matter what’s happening around you.



1. Stay in the Moment

One of the best ways to keep your positivity intact is to focus on the present. It’s easy to get swept up in the negativity swirling around you, but being mindful can help. Pay attention to what’s happening right now, rather than allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by complaints and negativity.

When someone starts grumbling, resist the urge to join in. Instead, take a deep breath and bring your attention back to the task at hand. By staying present, you can avoid getting caught up in negative energy and maintain your own positive outlook.



2. Find the Bright Spots

Gratitude is your secret weapon against negativity. Even when it feels like everything’s going wrong, there’s always something to be grateful for. Start a daily habit of identifying a few things you’re thankful for in life. Let that gratitude spill over into your interactions with others. A simple “thank you” or acknowledgment of someone’s hard work can not only lift your mood but also help shift the overall vibe at work.



A simple “thank you” or
acknowledgment of someone’s hard
work can not only lift your mood but
also help shift the overall vibe at work.


3. Protect Your Energy

You don’t have to let negativity drain your energy. Set boundaries with those who seem stuck in a cycle of complaining. If the conversation takes a negative turn, gently steer it towards something positive, or excuse yourself if necessary.

It’s also important to take breaks to recharge. Step away for some fresh air or do something you enjoy. These small moments of self-care help keep you from getting bogged down by negativity around you.



4. Keep Your Goals in Sight

When the work environment gets tough, remind yourself of why you’re there. Think about your goals and what you’re working towards. Keeping the bigger picture in mind helps you stay motivated and focused, even when day-to-day challenges arise.

This perspective allows you to remember that negativity is just a small part of your journey, and perhaps even a lesson in resilience. By focusing on your long-term goals, you can stay positive and keep moving forward.



5. Reflect and Adjust

Take time to check in with yourself. Reflect on how you’re handling negativity and whether there are changes you can make to improve your outlook. Being honest with yourself about your reactions and adjusting your approach can help you stay more balanced and positive. Self-reflection helps you understand what’s working and what isn’t, so you can adapt and maintain your positive mindset.



6. Build a Positive Network

Look for colleagues who share a positive attitude. Surrounding yourself with people who are upbeat and supportive can make a big difference. Engage with these colleagues and build relationships that lift you up. Having a network of positive people provides a much-needed boost when the overall environment feels gloomy. These connections can remind you that positivity is possible and help you stay focused on the good.




Staying positive in a negative environment isn’t always easy, but it’s achievable with the right strategies. By staying present, practicing gratitude, protecting your energy, focusing on your goals, reflecting on your approach, and building positive relationships, you can keep your spirits high. Even if the overall mood at work isn’t great, your positivity can shine through and make a significant difference in your day-to-day experience, and everyone else’s.



Josh Bulriss

Josh Bulriss

Josh is a self-taught professional photographer who is known for his captivating imagery of Buddha statues. His work has graced book and magazine covers, reflecting his dedication to the craft and his heartfelt tribute to his late mother... Read More