P.R.KRISHNA shares his observations on the background chatter in the mind, the quantum field of realities we create for ourselves, and what is beyond both in the realm of pure universal consciousness.
Recently, while sitting in meditation I was troubled because of some events that had taken place. As a result, it was difficult to center myself and go deep into meditation. I tried to apply my will to control the flow of thoughts and after a while my mind became more or less still. Even after this, though, I observed that a sort of background chatter persisted. It was not very strong, but it was noticeable.
I thought about why it was there, and it occurred to me that this background chatter is like the background radio waves that are prevalent throughout the universe. All of us know of SETI, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
The scientists at SETI listen to and filter radio waves that form the background chatter of the universe. They apply algorithms to see if any of these waves are intelligible. The theory is that if they have a coherent structure then there is a good probability that someone with intelligence is out there trying to communicate with us.
The other idea of relevance is that of the quantum field of physics. The quantum field is the field of un-manifested probability. Physicists tell us that as observers we cause certain realities to manifest from out of the vast sea of probabilities that exists, just by the mere fact of observing them. This is the essence of the Special Theory of Relativity proposed by Einstein.
What is this quantum field? Think of it as a wok full of oil. A cook tests the oil’s heat by sprinkling a few drops of water on it. If the oil is hot enough, the water droplets make a loud spluttering noise and dance on the surface of the oil as soon as they hit the surface. The quantum field is similar. In the beginning, before we have regulated and trained our minds through meditation and rid our minds of the unnecessary complexities that exist, the surface of the oil is covered with a scum made up of our samskaras (complexities). Thus, every time we observe the quantum field of probable realities for the future, we see stuff that is from our past. This is visible to us because it is what we have created and therefore what we see.
What is the nature of this background chatter?
I have observed that this chatter is our baggage,
largely composed of our samskaras, which
determine our desires and attitudes and beliefs.
We create our own reality and our own future. We observe what we want to see with our colored vision, and think that there is no other reality other than the one we create for ourselves, without even being aware we are doing so.
Until we are ready to accept that our reality is not the real one, there can be no change in us nor in the world around us. At the beginning of a spiritual journey our consciousness is very narrow, so our field of view is limited and often very negative as well. In a sense, we are running our own version of SETI every day, trying to make sense of our personal background chatter. The problem is that our algorithm is governed by our state of being, often full of desires, fears and insecurities, all compounded by our attitudes and beliefs.
This is the best and most important reason for ‘positive thinking’. If we continue to conjure up doomsday scenarios from the quantum field, they will manifest, simply because we cause them to manifest.
This is also the philosophy behind the importance of prayer and positive suggestion.
The will, I believe, is the instrument that we use to pick one un-manifested probability from out of the vast field of such probabilities. This is why in a spiritual practice we stress the development of the will so much.
Now, the question is: What is the nature of this background chatter? I have observed that this chatter is our baggage, largely composed of our samskaras, which determine our desires and attitudes and beliefs.
When we do a serious spiritual practice, we are trying to alter the very nature of our personal quantum field, to rid it of all the accumulated fears and desires and insecurities. By cleaning the heart and mind regularly, we change the nature of the field as it becomes purified.
When we receive Yogic Transmission from a Guru of caliber, the very nature of the field is changed over time. In this way our attempts at changing ourselves from the inside are reinforced. These two processes go hand in hand: Yogic Transmission changes us and we change ourselves, until we become a very different person from the one who started the process. Our view of the quantum field now is significantly different from the old view, since we have changed. Therefore, the reality that we now create for ourselves is very different from the ones of the past. The very nature of the field of probabilities has changed. At this stage, the background chatter is still there, but it is muted to a faint shadow, even though it still has the capacity to disturb!
I believe that this is the real transformation that takes place as we evolve. We exchange our lower level quantum field, composed of all the dross and grossness of our past, and replace it gradually with a quantum field that is upward-looking, light and devoid of negativity; in a sense, more spiritual.
Then there is an even more profound change. The very nature of the field changes from one that is personal and narrow to one that is universal: our entire outlook changes. All our fears, desires, insecurities and ambitions of the past are replaced by a more aspirational outlook, one that is now asking the real question, “How do I reach the goal of life?”
As we evolve, we become less and less concerned with ourselves, and more and more concerned with others and how to help them. Our consciousness itself transforms over time to become more and more universal, subtle and spiritual. When our consciousness expands to a breadth where there is very little of us and almost all of it is concern for our fellow beings, then we approach what can be called ‘universal consciousness’.
What is the role of the will in all of this?
Our will is the tool that we use to interact with the quantum field. It is the instrument that we use to pick one probability out of the vast field, and to make that one probability manifest as our very own reality. The will is thus a slave to our nature and does our bidding.
If we are full of desires and fears and ambition, the will acts in a certain manner. As we change, the very nature of will changes also.
The ego plays a very large role in the way in which we use our willpower, as it controls the way in which we transform intent into action. When the ego is sublimated and refined, intent is translated into action that is towards our spiritual progress. When we think with the heart and not with the mind, the ego is regulated and this results in correct action. This is why, when in doubt, it is better to ask the heart and not the mind. The voice of the conscience is the voice of the heart.
When our consciousness expands to a breadth
where there is very little of us and almost
all of it is concern for our fellow beings, then
we approach what can be called ‘universal consciousness’.
As we evolve and become less egoistic, we are less concerned with the results of our actions and more concerned with doing our best, leaving the result up to God. The more we learn to do this, the more the will becomes pure, until we reach a stage when our will is almost divine. Man’s will is coloured by all the stuff that rules man, whereas God’s will does what needs to be done to restore balance, and is not clouded by human frailty.
So, we can do away with the background chatter if we:
- Clean the heart and mind and meditate regularly so that the very nature of the quantum field changes over time,
- Learn to sublimate the ego through changing our nature, replacing ambition with aspiration and controlling our desires and fears and insecurities,
- Allow the will to become pure, so that it becomes a wonderful instrument, capable of creating awe and growth.
Why is it important to eliminate background chatter from our lives?
All of us know that in order to think and act efficiently and effectively we need silence. Chatter prevents clear thinking and confuses us, so that we are not able to choose wisely. When there is silence, we are able to think and act with clarity. We can also see God’s creation in all its wonder. We marvel at it, and aspire to become one with it.
I have always gone into some sort of retreat when I am stressed or disturbed. This helps me to center myself and regain touch with my core. It produces the peace and quiet that is essential for a spiritual life.
Article by P.R.KRISHNA

P.R Krishna