DR. SNEHAL DESHPANDE is a Developmental Therapist and Certified Life Coach from Mumbai. She leads SNEH, an institution dedicated to improving people’s quality of life, and actively drives the Heartfulness CME initiative for healthcare professionals across India. Here, she shares some simple tips on how to create wellness.
How do naturalness, stillness, human connection, and letting go come into play when we are trying to establish habits and make changes?
It can be difficult to build up a natural routine, like getting up early in the morning, enjoying the sunrise, watching the sunset in the evening, and stopping work after that. We are constantly distracted. So, the first thing I try to do is avoid distractions.
Human connection enables us to give and receive support. If we don’t maintain our social connections with all our heart, we lose the ability to ask for help from people. Because every time we are in need, we think, “How can I suddenly ask for help without having a connection.” It’s great to have deep and meaningful connections, even if a person is not in your inner circle of friends.
How to go about this? The first thing is self-reflection.
Reflect upon:
What you have,
What you’ve done,
Who you are,
Who you want to be, and
What you’re going to do about
We often forget we have to use our own resources. Sometimes we depend on external things, or we blame situations and people. The moment we self-reflect, we can answer all these questions.
Another habit to develop is connecting with ourselves. Spend a couple of moments with your palms together in a prayerful pose. With this small activity, a connection is established between the left brain and the right brain. When you establish this connection, and reflect on yourself, you give yourself a new level of commitment and the deep potential within.

Make an effort to take
out time for yourself.
I think the busiest
person has
the most leisure.
It is about creating
those little pockets of time
for yourself
within your
Make an effort to take out time for yourself. I think the busiest person has the most leisure. It is about creating those little pockets of time for yourself within your schedule.
In a general sense, the moment you are aligned with the universal vibration – the natural energy or super consciousness – things start happening the way the universe wants. Each of us is unique, and it is our abundant uniqueness that the universe wants us to feel and express. Instead, we seek abundance outside. So, if we can allow the universe to express that abundance, there is nothing like it.
Find your natural vibration
I believe we need to understand what takes us away from our natural vibration, and what gives us an inner awakening. It’s very essential. We end up going into a dangerous and unhealthy phase when we try to run away from our reality.
Suffering is an integral part of life. We cannot take that away. In fact, it is suffering that makes us. Wellness is all about integrating ourselves in our world, and our reality. It is about allowing healing to happen in a natural way. If every one of us, or even a few of us, start thinking like that, the world will be a better place to live in.
There is something to live for, there’s something to feel!
Wellness is all about
integrating ourselves
in our world, and our
It is about
allowing healing to happen in a natural way.
If every one of us, or even a few of us, start thinking like
the world will be a better place to live in.
Illustrations by ANANYA PATEL

Dr. Snehal Deshpande