KAMLESH D. PATEL explains how the second law of thermodynamics plays out in our relationships, leading to disintegration and breakdown, and shares with us the inputs needed to overcome entropy, bringing stability and harmony.
What is entropy?
Let’s try to understand it practically. You bring a book home from the library, and then your father gives you another book as a gift. Your girlfriend gives you magazines, and you have music CDs. They all pile up on a small table in your room, so now there will be enough clutter on your table. The rest of your room is also in a disorganized state: your clothes are here, your socks are there and your towel is hanging somewhere. This is a disintegrated system; the system has gone haywire.
You get frustrated with the mess and clean everything up. You put each book where it belongs, wash your laundry and make your bed. Now the room looks cleaner than before, until again you start bringing more books and things, and again the system disintegrates and becomes disorganized. To keep things in order requires constant energy input.
So entropy is the degree of disorder or randomness in any system. The second law of thermodynamics says that entropy increases with time. It reflects the instability of a system over a period of time if there is nothing to stabilize it.
In human relationships, we have interactions day after day and these relationships also become higgledy-piggledy. We let things build up in our inner chambers. These inner chambers become more and more disorganized as we store more and more, just like the books and clothes in our room. We keep harboring things, and one day what we harbor explodes, unless we do something about it. We need input to stabilize any relationship, to iron out the wrinkles or differences, so that we don’t harbor and store things forever.
Read the complete article in Issue 14

Kamlesh Patel is known to many as Daaji. He is the Heartfulness Guide in a tradition of Yoga meditation that is over 100 years old, overseeing 14,000 certified Heartfulness trainers and many volunteers in over 160 countries. He is an inn... Read More