PIERRE RAVAN is interviewed by ELIZABETH DENLEY about the launch of his new brand, Eternal Journey, starting with 3 exquisite perfumes designed to keep you in tune with the natural rhythms of the day.
Q: Hi Pierre. Tell us about your new perfume range.
PR: Thank you. First there’s the brand, Eternal Journey, which was inspired by my spiritual path. I believe that life creates life, and it is an eternal journey.
When we created this brand, we wanted to have different products and we started with fragrances. Because of my musical background and luxury background, I wanted to create something that covers the whole 24 hours of the day, and this is also linked with the circle of the eternal journey.
When this first collection of three fragrances was created, we wanted to evoke the feelings from the time we wake up in the morning, then into the afternoon, through the night, and till we wake up the next morning. The journey never stops.
I believe in the idea of trinity, so the first fragrance is Sunrise to Sunset, the second is Sunset to Midnight, and third is Midnight to Sunrise. With all 3 we are closing the circle through the 24 hours.
When we use a perfume, we want it to correspond to the time of day. Even scientifically, we know that when we wake up, when the night becomes day, our breathing shifts so that we move from left nostril dominant breathing to right nostril dominant breathing. The first perfume, Sunrise to Sunset, has been created to activate and facilitate this transition. So the olfactory family of this fragrance has two very important ingredients – orange blossom, neroli, and a woodier petit-grain. Together, they facilitate the shift, while still maintaining a meditative mood.
In the morning, you may do yoga, walk your dog, go for a bicycle ride, or go to the forest to pick mushrooms – whatever is your morning ritual, you can use this perfume. At that time of day, you don’t need something spicy; it would disturb others and your own inner condition.
Later, when you come home and take a shower, you need something more active. So the second perfume we created is Sunset to Midnight. It is spicier, more sensual, while still creating a meditative mood. One of the main ingredients is frankincense and another is myrrh. And so as not to give the feeling of being in church, I added saffron from Iran, a little marshmallow, which gives sweetness, and a little patchouli and vetiver. This combination gives the sensual, spiritual, fresh, and warm, which correspond to the day’s activities.
What is spirituality? It is when you do everything from the heart.
Then you are connected with your inner self,
and through that you lead your life.

The third fragrance, Midnight to Sunrise, is for night time, going out to dinner, the opera, a party, etc. It is designed to create a presence. It contains a lot of woody spices, like cashmere, sandalwood (the best quality sandalwood from Australia), black pepper, and oud (the best quality oud from Vietnam). The formula was created so that the oud kicks in after 20 minutes. That way it is not a woody-dominated perfume.
We also created the 3 formulas so that each one blends with the others, creating a 24-hour atmosphere and evolution. That is the whole concept.

Q: Pierre, where can people buy these fragrances?
PR: In India, we are launching them with the company, Baccarose, through their Parcos shops. We selected 50 shops across India to introduce this brand along with our storytelling.
What is the story they will tell? It is a marriage of luxury, spirituality, entertainment, and well-being. We have incorporated all these elements into the perfumes. You will also see this in the packaging, which uses glass and organic wood.
Eternal Journey is a gender fluid product. Without even considering gender we created this perfume, so it is for everyone. It evokes all the feelings.
Q: Some people would say that spirituality and luxury don’t go together. How do they fit, in your view?
PR: I personally do not see them as separate. In spirituality we can incorporate luxury, and vice versa. What is spirituality? It is when you do everything from the heart. Then you are connected with your inner self, and through that you lead your life. What is luxury? In my understanding, a luxury item is something unique and precious. Imagine, if you create something of luxury with your heart, you make something that is not only consistent it’s also permanent. So the people who are using the product will be affected by how profound and how deep it is.
On top of that, with my musical background, I am aware that all sound and vibration also creates an effect. Imagine a perfume that you can hear while you smell it. Our sense of smell has a big role to play for us in memory and nostalgia, and so does music. If we blend these together, the journey is complete.
Q: Thank you Pierre, we wish you all the best with your perfume launch.
PR: Thank you Elizabeth.
Photographs by RASMUS MOGENSEN

Pierre Ravan
Pierre is a DJ, producer, high-end fashion collaborator, club-headliner, certified yoga teacher, and meditation trainer. He introduced the KaRavan concept of combining music, yoga, and meditation into the Eternal Journey. He is now intro... Read More