Enjoy these profound truths about simplicity from SWAMI VIVEKANANDA, DAAJI, OSHO and BABUJI.
The greatest truths are the simplest things in the world, simple as your own existence.
The greatness of a teacher consists in the simplicity of his language.
Oh, to live even for a day in the full light of freedom, to breathe the free air of simplicity! Is not that the highest purity?
—Swami Vivekananda
Sitting for that first meditation session was the most amazing experience I had ever had in my life – it was so profound and proved to me that this system was right for me. I thought, “If a trainer of the system can transmit like this, imagine what the Guide can do!”
His name was Ram Chandra and he came from Shahjahanpur – and now I was longing to meet him. But I had to wait. I could only visit him during my college vacation almost a year later in 1977. When I reached Shahjahanpur, I found him to be a loving, simple, genuine, down-to-earth person. His utter simplicity amazed me. Just looking at him made me wonder how there could be such purity in a person, such simplicity. His whole being radiated love. And I could feel the Transmission flowing through him all the time. There was never a dull moment, even when he was silent, which he was most of the time. There was always inner communion, and I was busy inside feeling his presence. That was the beginning of my journey with my Guide.
If you are simple you will be able to observe yourself. A complex man cannot observe himself because he is so divided. He has so many things around him: so many desires, so many thoughts, and so many problems arising out of these desires and thoughts. He is continuously in a crowd. It is difficult to attain to self study. Only an austere man eats, sleeps, loves, and that is all. He has ample time and ample energy left to observe, just to be, just to sit and look. And he is so happy. … Things are so simple that he can do them easily. And simple things have a quality that even while doing them you can study yourself. Complex things are too much for the mind. It gets too involved and fragmentary, and self study becomes impossible. … You never have enough energy. And without energy there is no possibility of being aware. At the point of low energy, low level energy, you cannot be aware; overflowing energy is needed. An austere man has so much energy left – what to do with this energy? … You are sitting silently; the energy moves to the subtlest layers – it goes higher and higher, it goes on accumulating, it becomes a pinnacle, a pillar of energy. You can study yourself now. Even the subtlest nuances of your thoughts, emotions, feelings, you can watch.
Simplicity is the very essence of Nature. It is the reflection of that which existed in the Absolute in a latent state. It promotes growth. It can be aptly described as the quintessence of the Ultimate. This is in fact the life-substance of Nature.
—Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur

Kamlesh Patel is known to many as Daaji. He is the Heartfulness Guide in a tradition of Yoga meditation that is over 100 years old, overseeing 14,000 certified Heartfulness trainers and many volunteers in over 160 countries. He is an inn... Read More


Swami Vivekananda