NEGIN KHORASANI explores some fundamental principles of Nature about giving and receiving, and how we can limit ourselves by a belief system of scarcity and replace it with a new belief system of abundance.



When we don’t know how to give in order to receive, we are unaware of one of the most powerful laws of Nature. We may continue seeking and never be satisfied in our search. Many of us believe in scarcity and are in a state of poverty consciousness. We therefore stay in that state our whole lives. How can we receive what we don’t believe exists? The universe seems to always approve our belief, whatever it may be. If we believe in scarcity, that remains our reality; if we trust the universe and all its mysterious ways, we will observe in a state of wonder how things find their way to us from unknown sources. Even without knowing how, we can live in absolute abundance.

Abundance starts with a state of mind. Only when we deeply believe in it, and allow the trust that is naturally generated as a result of this belief to prevail, will we no longer be afraid of giving. We know we are connected to the treasury of the universe. Even if it seems momentarily gone, it will come again, whatever it may be that we are giving – wealth, love, care, etc. Only with this inner condition and mental state does abundance appear as our physical reality.

Abundance starts with a state of mind. 
Only when we deeply believe in it, 
and allow the trust that is naturally 
generated as a result of this belief to prevail, 
will we no longer be afraid of giving.

It is one of the laws of Nature that there is never an empty space in Nature.
As Goethe beautifully says, “It is the nature of grace always to fill spaces that have been empty.”
The wise ones know there is no emptiness in Nature. Where an empty space appears, it is immediately filled with something else. The emptiness is just momentary. And as a something new appears in the place of the old, its fresh energy and newness fills our energy and flows to other areas of our life. So we never have to be afraid of losing anything. For example, take a relationship that has not worked, despite all the efforts we have put in to save it. Of course it is sad, but can we also ask, “What will come in its place? I am ready to embrace the new and fresh energy!”

We make our choices, and in turn they shape our reality. ‘Poverty consciousness’ or ‘abundance consciousness’ – the choice is always ours. If we choose poverty consciousness, we remain in a state of worry and we stick to what we have, whether in our bank account, in the form of other possessions, or in other resources. Worry is an indication that we believe in the absence of what we are worried about. That in itself interferes blocks the manifestation of the desired object. If we choose abundance consciousness, we accept abundance as our reality and we believe in the presence of it.

giving is receiving

Therefore we enjoy a relaxed state of mind, as we are always spending from the treasury of the universe rather than a bank account. When we choose this state, we start giving constantly in the trust that it keeps coming. We become part of the flow of Nature. We become a conduit. Nature will know that it has found a proper conduit that allows everything to pass through.

I am not talking of wasting resources but of being an open conduit for whatever should pass through, according to the wisdom of Nature. And when we are connected to that wisdom, we do not see separation between ourselves and Nature, which is the source of everything. Neither do we see separation between ourselves and other beings. We have one hand in Nature’s hand, and the other hand in anybody’s we come across. We receive from one hand and give from the other. In a state of oneness we naturally give warmth to the cold, food to the hungry, wealth to the poor, love and care to the ones in need, companionship to the ones who feel lonely. It is like feeling an itch in one hand and the other hand automatically scratches it, or when you wrap your hands around your body when you feel cold and rub your arms to give warmth.

If we think about it, nothing remains intact with the winds of change in our world. So why cling to things that result in worry, which will block abundance? Instead we can develop our preferred state of mind and feeling, and stay there in its safety.

Remaining in a state means maintaining a certain vibration, and that vibration translates into matter of the same vibration. That is how we attract certain people, events and circumstances in our lives that are in accordance with our state of mind or vibratory level. Therefore the real work is done on our inner state, changing our limiting beliefs and thought patterns based on lack and scarcity. We can change them into what serves us as well as people around us better. This may seem easier said than done, but we can break it down and make it simple.

Our beliefs are the thoughts that we have practiced for a long time.
So try to think new thoughts and start practicing them long enough to turn them into beliefs.
This is even easier when we are free from the grip of old thought patterns by means of a mental cleaning process.

When we feel supported by the universe, 
we feel relaxed about life. 
We trust life and believe in its support 
whenever and wherever it is needed.

When we feel supported by the universe, we feel relaxed about life. We trust life and believe in its support whenever and wherever it is needed. Then we can smile deeply, expand and dance freely in our being. We start to live in abundance, and to live all those beautiful feelings that abundance brings us, as that is the reason we seek it in the first place. That sense of freedom, choice, relaxation, ease and generosity is but the result of deeply believing in the abundance that surrounds us. And when we live it truly, the vibration that is sent to the universe will attract equivalent things, people and events.

The universe has no choice other than yielding abundance to such a person, and that is why we see carefree and generous people receiving more and more. They have learned, through their life experiences or an inner knowing, that giving is truly receiving. And ultimately when we give something, we are always giving ourselves.




Negin M. Khorasani

Negin M. Khorasani

Negin is a consciousness researcher, educator, and activist. As a social entrepreneur and founder of Be 8nfinite Inc., she is dedicated ... Read More