In the first of a series of articles, DR PARTHA NANDI shares something of his own story and why he became so passionate about health.
nearly died when I was six years old. I was a normal kid running wild and having fun with my family and friends.
Even at that young age, I had a real passion for life. I loved school, sports, music and practically anything that
engaged my curiosity and creativity. Then one day, I started suffering from joint pain bad enough that I could no
longer do the active things that I loved. Seemingly overnight, I went from a fearless kid running wild and free to
one who had lost interest in everything. I didn’t even want to eat.
Fast forward through time and multiple visits to the doctor, when my mother insisted on finding a specialist. That’s when I finally met the man (and doctor) who I will never forget.
It turns out I had rheumatic fever, a potentially life threatening disease of the joints and heart. During my hospital stay, this unforgettable doctor saved my life with his knowledge, skill, strength and compassion. He was a superhero. My parents, the way they stepped up for me and cared for me, were superheroes. And I wanted to be just like them. They were my very first Health Heroes.
I was only six, but I knew what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to save people who were sick and afraid. I wanted to make them strong so that they could be their own heroes. Forget the capes and x-ray vision. Having the power to be your own hero! This was exciting to me.
It’s what drives me to this day. I want to create a world full of Health Heroes. I want you to realize the power you have to take charge of your health and live your best life. That’s what being a Health Hero is all about. And you can do it! You can make your health a priority. It’s not selfish, and it’s not even difficult.
The moment you recognize that your health matters and you start to implement important life changes is the exact moment you start to become your own Health Hero. You just have to be willing to jump into the driver’s seat and take control.
You can’t control everything that happens to you. You’re going to face challenges and adversity. But you can take advantage of the power you do have so that you can live your best life. Make your health a priority. Be kind to yourself. Nurture yourself. Live the healthy, active and spiritual life you deserve. You can be your own hero! No cape or x-ray vision required.
Make healthy living a part of every day.
The light in me honors the light in you.
PS I’m releasing a book in September that I’ve been working hard (and passionately) to complete. I’m sharing with you my very best practices for living a healthier and happier life. I go deep into the five key areas on which you should focus in order to infuse your life with better health and nourish your soul with more joy. I hope to inspire you to become your own Health Hero. Just as my parents and one unforgettable doctor inspired me.
Recognize that your health is the most important thing. Give yourself permission to make your health a priority.
Advocate. Speak up and ask questions.
Don’t be afraid to have an in-depth discussion with your doctor. Be an active part of any decision making process. Whether for yourself, or someone you love, your involvement is key.
Become your own Health Hero.
Take action whenever and however you can. Make your health a priority so that you can enjoy a happier, healthier life!
For more information and to pre-order Dr Nandi’s new book, Ask Dr Nandi: 5 Steps to Becoming Your Own Health Hero, please visit

Dr Partha Nandi