What will help you to create new habits this New Year? The trick is to remove emotional burdens, stress, disturbing thoughts that linger from the past. These impressions have hardened into habits and tendencies that are obstacles to moving forward.
Doing the Heartfulness Cleaning practice every evening will remove these impressions, clearing away old pathways and patterns of thinking, leaving you feeling lighter and more carefree within. This rejuvenating daily practice is most effective at the end of your workday.
You can listen to the guided Cleaning at, find it on the Heartfulness app, or read and follow the instructions below.
Sit in a comfortable position with the intention to remove all the impressions accumulated during the day.
Close your eyes and relax.
Imagine all the complexities and impurities are leaving your entire system.
Let them flow out from your back in the form of smoke, from the area between your tailbone (at the base of your spine) and the top of your head.
Remain alert during the entire process without brooding over the thoughts and feelings that arise. Try to remain a witness to your thoughts.
Gently accelerate this process with confidence and determination. If your attention drifts and other thoughts come to mind, gently bring your focus back to the cleaning.
As the impressions are leaving from your back you will start to feel lighter.
Continue this process for up to 20 to 25 minutes.
When you feel light within, you can start the second part of the process:
Feel a current of purity coming from the Source entering your system from the front. This current is flowing into your heart and throughout your system, saturating every particle.
You have now returned to a more balanced state.
Every particle of your body is emanating lightness, purity, and simplicity.
Finish with the conviction that the cleaning has been completed effectively.
Cleaning is much more effective once you have been introduced to the Heartfulness practices by a certified trainer. You can find and contact a trainer near you at

Kamlesh Patel is known to many as Daaji. He is the Heartfulness Guide in a tradition of Yoga meditation that is over 100 years old, overseeing 14,000 certified Heartfulness trainers and many volunteers in over 160 countries. He is an inn... Read More