MADHUSUDAN REDDY shares some ideas on how to approach our goals so that they become more achievable. He also explains a way to respond to success and failure.
Victory and success are melodious events in everyone’s life. Success can be understood as a smile emanated from the innocent strings of our heart. The perennial freedom we experience in life is a clear symbol of success.
Sheer hard work and determination are glittering reflections we can observe from the history of successful people. Despite many challenges, they overcame all their problems and remained as a mountain amidst the sea. They could withstand the pressure of turbulent waves and reach the destination of success.
The American industrialist, Andrew Carnegie, joined the steel sector as a laborer at 11 years of age and rose to the top level. He also helped 100 other people to become billionaires. His determination helped others grow. A famous musician once received a standing ovation from the audience, who surrounded him afterward to share its appreciation. One lady approached him and said that it would have been marvelous to have had such skill bestowed upon her by God. The musician replied, “It is not an impossible task, nor did I bring it along with me at birth. Practice with focus for ten years and you will become a perfect musician like me. The only thing required for this is practice.”
So, invest hard work to give shape to your dreams. We can excel if we put in hard work. If we fail to reach the expected results, we can try to refine our efforts, introspect upon our mistakes, and see to it that they do not recur in future. We move forward in the direction of attaining our goal.
If there is no chance to improve the results, we can tutor our mind that we are benefited only up to this extent. If that is done, we prevent the experience of depression. We remain energetic despite half-baked attainments.
Phased efforts will yield good results. Put in all-out efforts and leave the result to God. Fill your heart with this feeling, as thinking about the results will consume valuable time.
Working hard is good,
but the
source of that hard work is thought.
Fill your mind with good
and you are bound to receive good results.
Work hard, and believe in hard work to achieve your goal. When the results come, don’t club your analysis with the elements affecting the work. Defeat is also a lesson. There is no need for overwhelming joy upon success and depression upon failure, nor a need to attribute them to other factors. Real victory lies in receiving success and defeat with equal breath.
Don’t waste minutes, because many minutes make an hour, hours make days, days make months, and months make years. Wasting time has its own adverse impact on performance. Utilize time properly and become victorious.
Working hard is good, but the source of that hard work is thought. Fill your mind with good thoughts, and you are bound to receive good results.

There was once a person who was very frustrated in life. He reached Delhi Railway Station filled with depressive thoughts that death was the only solution to his problems. Because his train was late, he turned his attention to a book stall, and in his loneliness he noticed one book. He thought, “Let me finish reading this book before I leave this world.” He selected a page randomly from that book, and as he read he found a change – his feelings and face were bright. A magical power surrounded him. His joy knew no boundaries.
That journey to his village began shaping him into a great personality. This person, who went from ground zero to become a great social activist, was none other than Anna Hazare. He received laurels by developing his village as an example to other villages in the world.
Do not focus too seriously on failures. They are quite natural. They add beauty to life. How can we imagine life without failures? Struggles give us strength. Where is the melody of life without these struggles? Do not feel belittled by failure. Try a thousand times. Even then, if you come across failure, try again, so that success is eventually yours.
Feel your goal as your
life, and
think deeply on it. Invite
dreams on it, work on it,
and try to fill every muscle and nerve
of your body
thinking about your goal. That creates a path to
All the power of the universe is within you. We close our eyes with our own hands, then cry that darkness exists. Be aware that darkness does not surround us. Simply remove your hands so that, right from the beginning, you can experience the illuminated world. There is no darkness.
We label ourselves as worthless, weak persons. Do you know how many capacities, innumerable strengths, and potential magics are embedded within you? Where is the scientist who knows our full human potential? Only a microscopic part of it is hitherto seen. So don’t try to degrade your personality. How will you come to know how much more is yet to surface? Behind you, there is a sea of power. Those who realize this become victorious. Visualize the process of evolution from an ameba to a human being. Who created this? Is it not your own self-determination? Still, do you say that your self-reliance is without any power? The strength that brought you up to this level can further improve your personality. The character that strengthens your self-determination is a quintessential element.
We all aspire for one thing in life, victory. We do not invite defeat in either our intellectual or our spiritual paths. But only a few taste the flavor of success, though everyone invites victory. Some of us experience middle-level success, while many experience defeat. First, decide what you want to become. Then, put in your all-out efforts. It is important to note that mistakes are committed by everyone, not only the people who experience defeat. The defeated ones leave the work at a point where they observe it to be critical.
We may commit mistakes now and then with the sheer ambition of reaching the goal successfully. Such mistakes have no impactful effect on us, because we never think they won’t come in our way. We have witnessed and studied many wars in history. They armies experienced defeat on both sides. Successful persons are always above the feeling of victory or defeat.
To achieve success, you need focused direction, effort, and self-determination. Success is yours if you fix the trajectory of your focus and your journey. Try to understand and realize what you want to achieve. Find ways and means to reach that goal. You can reach it no matter how big it is. Divide the goal into sub-goals and allocate definite timeframes, whether one week or one month, and complete the tasks. Then you will come out victorious.

Madhusudan Reddy