According to Google, the definition of generosity of the heart is, “One of the ways we come into balance and connection with each other; life is by giving from the heart. When we give to others, whether it’s an act of kindness, generosity, or compassion, it helps us live from the heart instead of the ego.” If you perform an action from the heart, whether it’s something as small as giving the last cookie to your younger sister, or as big as donating one million dollars to COVID-19 relief funds, it is because of generosity of the heart. If we take it a step further, we can even call it love.

The idea of love seems like a very twisted concept nowadays, but it is actually quite simple. When you really give generously from the heart, it’s because of the love you have for other human beings. It doesn’t matter if you just met them, or if they are a blood relative, or if you’re in a relationship with them. On a fundamental level, it is due to the love you have for them; that’s where the idea of generosity stems from.

I distinctly remember a childhood memory, which is spoken about by my dad even to this day. At the age of three, I had been suffering from severe fever for about two days, and no amount of medicine or time seemed to help. It was only after my mother stayed up for two days without rest or food, sick from worry, did I finally begin to heal. Today, as I ruminate over this event, I feel like I was healed because of her sheer willpower. She refused to let anything happen to me, and her will and love healed me.

Generosity allows your heart to open up to love, compassion, and other positive emotions that allow humans to experience their true self. As is often said, “Generosity is a practical expression of love.”





Rathnam Parthasarathi

Rathnam Parthasarathi