Dear Dad,
Please speak to us about change.
Dear Sahaj and Marg,
One of the things that is eternal is change. You cannot avoid it. If it is toward the welfare of the universe, it will be evolutionary. Change demands adjustment. The faster the change, the faster the process of adjustment. Implementing change demands focus and rapidity. Be it a process or a personal matter related to a relationship, any such scenario demands energy input and effort. Whatever demands energy input is bound to be expensive, and eventually destabilizing. Stability is life. Modern life is constantly changing, so hardly anything repeats except constant adjustment, constant re-learning of the “new.” It drives us all toward instability. The next step is that we become protective as far as energy consumption is concerned. Entropy or attrition is a natural consequence.
The greater the objective, the wider the gap between what is now and what is to be accomplished, so more effort and energy input is needed. Does that mean we should avoid change? No, not at all. If we avoid change, the next question arises: What about my evolution? If God, Infinity, is our goal, imagine the infinite input needed from our side! You can always say, “God, I have invested everything within my ambit. Now, I surrender and leave the matter in your hands.” Such a prayer must be genuine and from the heart.
Change comes in many ways – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. In all these, there is one common thing, and that is a change of perspective and outlook on life. Ask yourself, “Has my outlook on life changed recently?” If not, consider yourself stuck. Either that or you have reached the final frontier where no further growth is possible!
Change is difficult when it is against your desire. When you are in love, you will adjust and fulfill every little hint of your beloved without any resistance. In the absence of love, even things you like to do become a burden.
So, what have I learned so far? Above all, whenever there is an inner calling, and a desperation that I must accomplish “this” no matter what, it surpasses all sorts of inducement for change. It is self-sustaining and arises out of a deep inner conviction. I hope you will invite changes in a sahaj [natural] manner.
With lots of love,

Kamlesh Patel is known to many as Daaji. He is the Heartfulness Guide in a tradition of Yoga meditation that is over 100 years old, overseeing 14,000 certified Heartfulness trainers and many volunteers in over 160 countries. He is an inn... Read More