In April 2020, DR. BRUCE LIPTON spoke with UDAY KUMAR about the transition our planet is going through right now, and what we need to do to raise our consciousness to the next level. In this excerpt from the interview, he goes into more detail about epigenetics, consciousness, and how we remain pre-programmed until we evolve our consciousness through meditation. It is our programs more than anything external that hack our attention.
We’re made up of 50 trillion cells, and our genetic activity is not controlled by genes turning on and off, it’s controlled by the chemistry of the blood, which is the culture medium for our cells. Now, we take the big blow-away steps that changed my life. The chemistry of the blood controls the genetics of the cell. So, who’s the chemist? Who controls the chemistry of the blood? The answer is: The brain is the chemist! Next question: What chemicals should the brain put into the blood? The answer: Whatever image is in your mind will be translated by the brain into complementary chemistry.
There’s a chemistry of love; if you’re experiencing love in your life, you release dopamine for pleasure, vasopressin makes you more attractive so your partner stays with you, oxytocin bonds you to your lover, and growth hormone is released when you’re in love. So, the blood has all these things that happened just from my picture of love, and the chemistry is going through. Growth hormone promotes vitality and growth, so when people fall in love they’re so healthy – it’s chemistry, the chemistry of love.
And if you go to the opposite side, the chemistry of fear does not release any of that. In fear, stress hormones are released, and hormones called cytokines which control the immune system are released. So now, the chemistry of the culture medium is completely different if I’m in love and if I’m in fear. The chemistry is what controls the genetics, and you control the chemistry, because your thoughts are manifesting the chemistry that controls genes.
Your consciousness is the master of your genes.
Your life becomes the vision in your consciousness.
Your thoughts are creating your world.
Now, all of a sudden, you’re not a victim of your genes, you’re the master of your genes, because your consciousness is going to manipulate those genes to manifest what’s in your consciousness. So if you’re afraid of the flu, what’s going to happen? Well, you’re going to open up your immune system to get the flu, because you’re preparing for what? The function of the mind is to create coherence between your belief and your reality. If I have a belief that I’m going to get the flu, the function of the mind is to do everything to ensure that I get the flu. If I’m programmed to believe that I’m going to die in three months because I have cancer, the function of the mind is to shut me down so that my truth will manifest in three months and I will die.
I said to myself, “Do you understand what’s going on here?” Your consciousness is manifesting your genetics and your behavior, and I want to add one more piece to it, epigenetics. Genetic control is what people are programmed to believe in, which means this character, say breast cancer, is under genetic control and not in your hands. Epigenetics is the new science, epigenetic control. Sounds like the same one, but what’s ‘epi’? It means above. Epigenetic control is control above the genes – that’s all the difference in the world.
If the genes are in control I’m a victim, but if the control is above the genes then I’m the master. So, epigenetics takes us from the victim of heredity to the master of our current existence. First of all, the environment, the blood is controlling genetics. Now, what’s above that? The brain, because the brain is making the chemistry. And what’s above that? Consciousness. Your life is manifested by your consciousness.
There are two parts to the mind,
and they don’t have the same function and
they don’t learn in the same way –
the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind is programmed.
The most valid science on the planet is quantum physics. There is no other science that has been tested more, verified more, it’s the most truthful. The first principle of quantum physics is that consciousness is creating your life experience. Biology, epigenetics, quantum physics all say the same thing; biology and physics come together at this point.
And the relevance is to understand where’s your consciousness. If you think it’s passive, that it’s just coming in and out, then you’ve got it all wrong. Your consciousness is the master of your genes. Your life becomes the vision in your consciousness. Your thoughts are creating your world. This is what I wrote The Biology of Belief about; as individuals, you and I, we are creating our life experiences with our consciousness. But we also have a lot of shared consciousness, a lot of shared belief, and that’s what led to my second book, Spontaneous Evolution. If a lot of us have the same programming, then each head is a tuning fork and consciousness is broadcast. This is the important part. People think their thoughts are in their head, and we can read this with an EEG. But now there’s a new device called the Magneto Encephalogram where the probe is not in your head, it’s held away from the head.
What does this mean? My thoughts are not contained in my head. My thoughts are broadcast into the field, so I’m creating a field of consciousness around my head. And I love this quote by Albert Einstein, “The field is the sole governing agency of the particle.” The field is the invisible energy around us, the particle is the expression of energy as matter, not real matter, it’s an energy because everything is energy in quantum physics. The field (invisible energy) is the sole governing agency of that particle. Your thoughts are a field, and it’s shaping this particle called the body. That’s quantum physics.
The body is like a vehicle, there’s a steering wheel, and the mind is driving the vehicle. Now, there are two parts to the mind, and they don’t have the same function and they don’t learn in the same way – the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is programmed. Some of it is instinct, like when a ball comes at your face and you blink, but mostly it’s learned. You learned how to walk by the age of two, that’s a program; but once you learned it, it’s in your subconscious and for as long as you live you’ll be able to walk without thinking about it, unless you break it all up. The programs are concerned with how we live, even how we move, all of our actions. The child in a family of a musician will learn music, because that’s the environment they were in when they were programmed. It’s downloading – while the parents were talking music, playing music, the child was like a video camera, recording. Children grow up like their parents because that’s where we got the program.
So, I get off the ground using a program in the first seven years, and I have a vehicle with a driving wheel, but I have two minds. The subconscious is programmed mind, and I get driver education. How you learn how to drive a car from someone and you download that program, is exactly like you were taught by them. At age seven, consciousness kicks in – what’s different? The subconscious mind is habits and programs; the conscious mind is creativity. Now, you can imagine, you have imagination. And if you take this imagination and drive the vehicle with it, you can create your imagination. In the creative mind, I get to put my hands on the wheel and drive. Towards what? Your imagination, wishes and desires. So your conscious mind, when driving is going to take you to your wishes and desires. Whereas the subconscious mind is going to take you to the destination according to the program.
And here comes the crux of the problem, and this is why meditation comes into the picture. First of all, you have to realize this: The conscious mind, when it’s driving the vehicle, is taking you to your wishes and desires, but the conscious mind can think. When the conscious mind is thinking it’s not looking out; a thinking mind is looking in. So, if I ask you, “Tell me what you’re doing on Friday.” Well, if you’re going to answer that question and it’s not written right there in front of you, where are you going to get the answer? You’re going to go think about it. And when you are thinking you’re looking in.
Now, the moment you’re thinking, you’re not paying attention. What if I’m walking down the street or driving a car and I’m not thinking? Am I going to crash the car or walk into a tree? When the conscious mind is busy thinking, the subconscious mind is on autopilot. Whatever you’re doing is now going to be taken over by the subconscious mind. You know how to walk, you know how to drive the car, you know how to talk, and do your job, because these are habits. The subconscious mind is more powerful. If you’re going to crash the car, the subconscious mind will take over. It’s more powerful and faster; the conscious mind is too slow. So, the subconscious mind may function better than the conscious mind when driving.
And now the issue is this: You are engaging in subconscious behavior, but your conscious mind is not observing them because it is looking inside at a thought. So, while you’re thinking, you won’t consciously see your behavior because you are still thinking. So the moment you’re thinking, your biology is run by the subconscious autopilot. And while you’re doing that you won’t see your behavior because your attention is not looking out, it’s looking in.
I tell people that somewhere in your life you had a friend and you knew your friend’s behavior very, very well, and you happened to know your friend’s parents, too. One day you see that your friend has the exact same behavior as their parent, so you want to tell your friend, “Hey, Bill, you’re just like your dad.” I say, back away from Bill because when he hears this he’ll say, “How can you compare me to my dad? I’m nothing like him!” He’ll get mad. And everyone laughs because everyone’s had that experience. This is why the story is so profound. Everyone else can see that Bill behaves like his dad, except Bill.
What’s the meaning of this? The answer’s simple. Bill is thinking, and when he’s thinking, he lets go of the control. The autopilot steps in, and where was that programmed from? His dad. So, whatever he’s going to do in autopilot mode is a direct play from the dad’s program. But why can’t he see it? Because why is he playing it? He’s playing it because he’s not paying attention. He can’t see his own behavior, because he’s not looking at it when it’s playing.
Well, that is 95% of the day for the average person. 95% of the day they’re running on programs, and they do not see it, they only see the result. Why is that important? If I have a bad program, I come home at the end of the day and my life sucks. And if I didn’t see the program, like Bill, and I didn’t see that I was sabotaging myself, I’m going to say, “Who sabotaged me?” In our minds we blame other people – I wanted to be successful, but when I let go of the program my father’s behavior took over, he has a crap program and I come home at the end of the day, none of it works and I’m thinking, “I wanted to be successful but I’m a victim of the world.” This is 100% wrong. We manifested that. But we did it unconsciously in the way Bill did it; we didn’t see the behavior, we sabotaged ourselves. We see the result and it’s not what we want, and then we blame other people.
What we have to do is recognize the fact that we’re not running our own life 95% of the time, we’re running on a program. … You’ve been programmed, and this is the world. This idea of programming hasn’t been lost. It’s even better today, people are getting programmed better today than they ever were before.
Look at an infant carrying an iPad.
Ancient people knew this, and when the controls started to come in, when people realized, “I can program you,” the game changed. It became a power game, where the powerful people programmed the less powerful people. There’s a book called Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter, and everything that we just talked about is the basis of that book. If you came from a rich family, as a kid, you unconsciously downloaded how to be successful, as compared to a poor kid who downloads every reason why they’re not successful, and they perpetuate it. Rich Dad, Poor Dad is epigenetics.
So, we come full circle, and therefore, if we are not in control of our consciousness, we are victims of our subconscious programming. Exercises that re-empower conscious thinking are exercises to take back power over our life. From a quantum physics point of view, our experiences are all based on consciousness; from a biological point of view, our experiences are programming our health, our genetics, and our behavior. There’s agreement there and that’s the coolest part. We must take back control of our consciousness. People don’t even know they’re using it; they still think in their minds that they’re controlling their lives with their thoughts. So, when life doesn’t work out, they say, “It wasn’t me because my thoughts were successful, and look, I’m not successful and I am now the victim.” To that I say, “It’s because you’re unaware of where your consciousness is. Consciousness is not controlling 95% of your life; your program is. So, meditation techniques and the programs you’re involved with are fundamental programs of exercising your consciousness, which by definition emphasize your power over life. If you’re not conscious, you are the program.

Bruce Lipton