UPAMA RAJASEKHAR is a Brighter Minds trainer and Heartfulness trainer. Here she shares some thoughts on future educational goals and today’s children.
Recently I spent three days with the most humble school principal and six of his students during their recent visit to Kanha Shanti Vanam. I am so grateful to witness, develop, acknowledge, and expand my thinking and ideas. I was shocked, surprised, hopeful, and grateful to learn from them.
What made them stand out? I feel that right brain education is the answer. I employ quantum techniques as well as utilizing the subconscious mind. I believe that teachers and parents must work on themselves first. Once they’ve tested these techniques in their own lives and are convinced of their potential, they can then utilize them with joy and confidence with children.
Children sometimes have difficulty accessing their unlimited innate abilities because of a negative self-image in their subconscious. Education can liberate children from anything that limits their mental potential. If a parent or teacher can eliminate these negative impressions and allow children to discover the innate power within themselves, they will be able to make use of their talents. This self-transformation is an essential element of being an achiever. Children raised in a heart-based program become sensitive, wise, passionate, curious, loving, and kind human beings. What more can we wish for?
Today’s child is a wonderful, magical mixture of sense-abilities. In the past 30 to 40 years, science has unlocked the door to the infant mind, giving parents rational proof that their children have genius-like learning abilities during their formative years. As a mother and a teacher, I am encouraged to do all that I can for our children, in the hope that the knowledge they gain and the positive learning habits they form during this time will influence and enhance their learning and quality of life forever.
The relationship between love, the mind, and the brain
The mind makes the brain work, and love makes the mind work. If you respect your child as an individual and show them your love, recognize their existence, and praise them, their mind will be relaxed and they will be able to use their true potential. If you pay attention to your child’s mind and their right brain, they will change, grow, and be easily able to acquire knowledge or information. This is because you were able to ignite a fire within them to learn and absorb. This applies to both parents and teachers.
The left brain is trained through knowledge-based education, whereas the right brain has rich potential abilities because it resonates with the cosmic energy. The purpose of the right brain is to process resonance, images, mass memory, and high-speed processing. The right brain can be cultivated by using techniques like sensory perception and memory games.

The 21st century is the era of the right brain. It is important for education to integrate intelligence and intuition, body and mind, rational thoughts and feelings. Fostering these combinations is the true goal of education.
By planting the seeds of music, math, spoken and written languages, science, art, culture, and more, early in life, your child’s mind will have a rich subconscious library of information. They will naturally crave to learn more about the world around them, eagerly building this growing library. And when high-quality input is combined with joyful play, imaginative exploration, and critical thinking activities, both hemispheres of the brain are stimulated, resulting in an incredible whole-brain acceleration.
Future educational goals:
- Inducing hidden human potential.
- Enhancing the well-balanced development of body and mind.
- Nurturing sensibility.
- Instilling creativity.
- Promoting a deep sense of spirituality.

In the near future, I hope that we will develop curricula that educate children to be able to carefully understand their ego, the true nature of the universe, and the meaning of life, rather than simply learning facts and gaining knowledge. Parents and teachers can aspire to understand the nature of a child’s mind in order to unlock true potential and allow it to develop holistically.
This is my perspective to share, and my joy to impart – the truth about the children of today and their impact on our future. Let us encourage humankind to become like little children. Only after doing so, we can finally come to understand the traits of this new generation and resonate with them.
Today’s child
- Picks up information at an incredibly fast rate. They are wired to continually gather data and connect or link it to what they already know.
- Is a multi sensory being who can absorb information through more than just their five physical senses.
- Seeks clarity and balance.
- Blossoms in a joyful, stimulating environment that meets their individual needs.
- Brings mental images to life. They can see these images clearly, three-dimensionally, with all their senses. They have the ability to imagine, invent, and create a positive future for all of us.
Today’s children are all around us. All it takes is a little bit of effort on our part to see them with an open mind, a listening heart, and a willingness to see.
Once we combine what we know about the current generation with effective, gentle, playful learning methods – allowing their unique geniuses to unfold – we need to ask ourselves: how do we evolve in order to successfully raise and nurture today’s children? When we answer this question completely, we will genuinely affect the whole world in a positive manner. In short, we all need to rise up.

Upama Rajasekhar