PAULO LEZZELLE looks at the noble value sport has as a human endeavor, and how we can all benefit from the quest for wellbeing, aspiration and continuous improvement.
Since time immemorial, through the expression of our bodies, humans have sought a way to transcend the mere physical and athletic aspects in an effort to perceive their inner resources. This quest for higher levels of self-knowledge has always been there, more or less conscious at different degrees.
The Olympic Games, born from the ancient Greek philosophy, are just an example, maybe the highest in the symbolic sense. The same could be said about the noble tradition of the martial arts of the Far East, or the relatively recent tradition of sports connected to the conquest of mountains.
In any kind of sport, there has certainly always been a latent aspiration to draw the best out of ourselves, and thus reach a sort of realization. In this context, it seems that the word “expression” goes hand in hand with the word “aspiration.” We could say that sport is that very activity which allows us to express ourselves in a full, powerful, and genuine way, the prime impulse being aspiration.
Through the body, we go inside into an abstract dimension. And through this we emerge out again to improve our performance in the physical field. It is a perpetual work of osmosis, where the planes compenetrate and dialogue to find the balance of all forces. And this is but one of the beauties of sport.
Sport is a living thing – more than living! Despite the level of performance, be it a weekend amateur or a professional, sport awakens vital and beneficial energies in every sense: physically, mentally, and emotionally. There is likely no other activity in the material plane that can produce such a sense of well-being as sport can do. And this can be experienced in any sport, the choices being very vast.
Together with music, sport is a show that gives true and beautiful emotions. Empathizing with high-level athletes is easy, because it is absolutely clear that what comes to our perception is much more than a mere run or a goal or a winning shot. Real admiration is then aroused in us, an admiration for intangible qualities that now come true in concrete form, either seen on the screen or live. How we would like to feel the same in our own way!
In essence, sport is like a mirror, and is a very powerful instrument of growth which can open up to a learning process that goes on and on and on. Sport is one of the few situations where we cannot bluff, because the results speak for themselves! It is just an inexorable truth and it applies to any level concerned. Sport compels us to take stock of what we are and humbly come to terms with it. It’s all there: What is your potential? How can you express your potential? What are your shortcomings? What motivates you to persevere?
To go beyond limits doesn’t necessarily mean breaking records. Not at all! That is not the real goal of all efforts. Anybody can exceed a limit, not the one pre-fixed by some standards or by a specimen, but their own, whatever that is. That’s where the real challenge lies, and it’s a wonderful, exciting, intriguing, funny, and evolutionary challenge. That’s where sport acquires its noble value.
When we witness a great performance, where the outcome is determined by such noble qualities more than physical prowess, then it becomes clear from where it all starts – the heart. Be it a team or single sport, it is always the same energy which really makes the difference. Courage, strength, perseverance, trust, introspection, generosity, group spirit, selflessness – all of these qualities come from the heart.

Paulo Lezzelle