TERRAN DAILY explores the effects of electromagnetic radiation on our lives, and offers us ways we can protect ourselves and our children by eliminating or minimizing our exposure. She also suggests how important it is that we relax into the natural frequency of the Earth to regain health and happiness.
Many of the children who have recently been born into our world are wise beyond their years, often highly intuitive, intelligent, and creative, yet also often extremely headstrong, sometimes too active for older folk to keep up with, other times delicate and shy, often passionate in expressing their needs and preferences.
These children can be challenging. They are born with qualities that are uncomfortable for us, that will be needed in our ever more chaotic world. And they face multiple challenges that earlier generations did not have to deal with.
Our world has never been an easy place. Humans have always had to deal with environmental adversities, and the resulting displacements and famines. We have struggled with our fellow humans through social inequality, conflict, domination, violence, etc. But there are present-day sources of distress that were not there for our grandparents or great-grandparents – electromagnetic radiation, electronic screens, toxins in our food, water, air, and homes, and ever increasing levels of stress, to name a few. These adversities impact all of us, particularly our children with their sensitive, developing nervous systems.

Here we will consider electromagnetic radiation. Some of the information is sobering, but there are things we can do. This series of articles will also offer practical tips to help ourselves and our children regain balance.
An earlier article, “The New Children” from August 2020, highlighted the fact that stress and disintegration can be stimulants for living systems (whether cells, people, ecosystems, civilizations, or humanity as a whole) to take a leap to a higher level of organization. If we guide them well, our children have that special spark needed to lead humanity into a thriving future in a new form–a way of being we have only dreamed of.
The Earth’s Heartbeat
When we think of electromagnetic radiation, we often think of Wi-Fi, cell phones, and 5G, but life on Earth has been intertwined with electromagnetic fields since it first emerged billions of years ago. The natural electromagnetic fields were our womb, the matrix within which life developed.
It is the Earth’s magnetic field that moves the needle of a compass, and helps guide birds and other animals in their migrations. The Earth is bathed in electromagnetic frequency. This frequency was first calculated by the German physicist Winifred Otto Schumann, who proposed that extremely low frequency waves, sparked by lightning, circle the Earth. Maybe you can picture these waves, bouncing from the ground to the ionosphere in a kind of dance, some joining together, others overlapping, creating a rhythm with a long-lasting base note and effervescent harmonics at higher frequencies. This is the exquisite heartbeat of the Earth. Schumann calculated the base frequency of these waves as 7.83 Hertz. This has been empirically verified and is known as the Schumann Resonance.
Imagine the astonishment of Schumann and his colleagues when they realized that this frequency is almost identical to the brain’s alpha wave rhythm, measured as 7.812 Hz. Surely this is not a coincidence. The human brain, an electrical organ, must have evolved in synchrony with the Earth’s natural electromagnetic field. They began to see human brain waves as intimately connected with the Earth’s electromagnetic frequencies, and their research confirmed that human health and well-being are influenced by electromagnetic interactions.

German physicist
Winifred Otto Schumann
that extremely low
frequency waves,
sparked by lightning, circle the Earth.
Maybe you can picture
these waves,
bouncing from the ground to the ionosphere
in a kind of dance, some
joining together, others overlapping,
creating a rhythm with a
long-lasting base note
and effervescent harmonics at higher frequencies.
This is the exquisite
heartbeat of the Earth.
Later researchers have expanded on this. In one interesting experiment, Professor Rutger Wever of the Max Planck Institute had student volunteers live for four weeks in an underground bunker that excluded the Earth’s electromagnetic field. After a few days, his subjects experienced disrupted circadian rhythms, headaches, and emotional malaise. Then, when Wever artificially introduced the Schumann Resonance into the bunker, unbeknown to the students, their health and well-being quickly stabilized.1 After extensive research, NASA introduced Schumann Resonance generators into space craft to maintain the health of the astronauts. Just as a young infant needs to hear their mother’s heartbeat for well-being, we humans need to feel the pulse of our mother Earth.
Human-created Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)
We think that life began evolving on Earth between 3.7 and 4.3 billion years ago, cradled in the Earth’s natural magnetic and frequency fields, and that Homo sapiens appeared around 300,000 years ago. For all but the last 150 of those years, we were cradled in the Earth’s natural fields.
In the early 20th century, scientists and engineers began experimenting with ways to capture and use human-produced electromagnetic fields. By the mid 20th century, homes had electricity, then telephones, radios and televisions were introduced. Telephone lines and high voltage electric lines crisscrossed the countryside. What an exciting and freeing revolution it must have been! No-one thought about possible unintended consequences.
Just as a young infant
needs to hear
their mother’s heartbeat for well-being,
we humans need to feel the
pulse of our mother Earth.
Inventions snowballed – computers, internet, Wi-Fi, and cell phones with ever faster and more powerful cellular networks. Radio waves and microwaves beamed from towers and satellites. Smart electric meters, smart televisions, smart refrigerators, smart thermostats, all beamed waves back and forth to talk to each other. We now live in a thick electromagnetic soup, millions of times more powerful than the electromagnetic radiation in which we evolved.
The Schumann Resonance cannot even be measured near cities, cell phone towers, or high-power lines now. Many of us are living without our mother Earth’s heartbeat. It is drowned out by a huge roar.
The huge number of artificial EMFs is not the only problem. There is also the frequency. The frequency of the Schumann Resonance is an extremely low 7.83 Hz. The frequencies of the EMR surrounding us is many millions of times higher than the Schumann Resonance (see the chart below). The electromagnetic roar that surrounds us is both huge and extremely high pitched. We may not hear it, but our cells do!

The Effects of EMR on our Bodies
Our bodies use electrical charge for many processes. Neurons use electrical charge to send signals to one another; hearts use electrical charge to contract and pump blood throughout the body; and muscles use electrical charge to contract, allowing us to move. The body also uses electric charge to maintain the integrity of important barriers like the blood-brain, blood-eye, blood-placenta, and blood-testes barriers, to determine what is and is not allowed into these important and sensitive organs.
Looking more deeply, almost every cell in our bodies depends on electrical charge to operate small channels through its membrane that allow some substances in and keep others out. Malfunction of these channels can cause oxidative stress, free radical damage to the DNA and other cellular structures, and even cell death.

The body’s electrical
activity involves
sensitive balance and timing,
and all these systems evolved within
Earth’s natural electromagnetic fields.
The body’s electrical activity involves sensitive balance and timing, and all these systems evolved within the Earth’s natural electromagnetic fields. It is not a big leap to imagine that massive bombardment with artificial EMFs could be disruptive to the delicate electro-chemical balance of our bodies. And that is exactly what a growing body of research indicates.
Bio initiative 2012, updated in 2022,2 is probably the most comprehensive review of studies on the adverse health effects of EMFs. Prepared by 29 doctors, scientists, and health experts from around the world, it has reviewedaround1800 studies on adverse health effects of EMFs produced by sources like powerlines, electrical wiring, appliances, cell and cordless phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi, laptops, routers, baby monitors, surveillance systems, and wireless utility meters.
These studies found evidence that EMR within the ranges commonly encountered in modern life can cause:
- Disruption to calcium channels in cell membranes, flooding cells with calcium and causing oxidative stress and damage to DNA, mitochondria, and cytochromes.
- Opening the blood brain barrier, allowing potential toxins and microorganisms to enter.
- Changes to neuron firing rates.
- Changes to the heart muscle and blood vessels.
- Decrease in melatonin production. Melatonin is needed for good sleep, and also supports the immune system, body mass regulation, bone formation and the body’s ability to detoxify.
Also that EMR negatively impacts:
- Sleep, energy levels, and immune function.
- Mood and cognitive function.
- Fertility and reproduction.
- Fetal development.
- Behavior and learning in children.
And increases the risk of:
- Brain tumors, acoustic neuromas, and other cancers.
- ADHD, and possibly autism in children.

It is not a big leap
to imagine that
massive bombardment with artificial EMFs
could be disruptive to the
electro-chemical balance of our bodies.
Modern communication has brought many advantages. When I was in college, I went to the library to do research, pulling musty volumes from the shelves and writing notes on index cards. Now, I am writing this article from my home, using several printed books (most of them bought online), accessing other books on my e-reader, and using many online resources. Communication, convenience, and access to resources using EMFs have become a part of our lives, almost the cement holding our social and economic systems together. But with the research that is emerging about EMR’s harmful effects, we must give careful thought about when and how to use this modern magic.
1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bunker_experiment
2 https://bioinitiative.org
Illustrations by JASMEE MUDGAL

Terran Daily