HomeIt changes everythingThe heart of a lover

In the material world, we believe that whatever we give diminishes. First, is it true? Second, does the same law apply in the spiritual world? Here, MEGHA BAJAJ describes her journey of discovering the secret of abundance in life.

The more you love others, the more love you find in your life. The more you spread happiness, the more it finds you. It’s like flowers – when you give roses to someone, your fingers too carry the fragrance.

In the words of the great Rumi,“What you seek is seeking you.”

I could not comprehend the depths of these words earlier. I cannot claim to understand it even now. And yet I feel closer to them.

I had two friends when I was in school. Somewhere across the years we lost touch and my heart craved to feel close to them again, but I was not sure what to do. I have always carried this notion that people should connect with me – and then I would give them all of myself. I would never take the initiative. Must be some kind of defense mechanism I think. So I waited for them to get in touch, but they didn’t.

After waiting for years I decided to do it myself. It felt silly waiting for something to happen when I could make it happen. I tried quite a few times, through mails and messages, and while both of them were polite their responses seemed lukewarm. My usual conditioning would be to move on, but the heart really did feel incomplete without them.


As I started realizing the spiritual laws, and how love is an unconditional quality, not dependent on the other, I started making more attempts. I think initially they didn’t know how to respond and remained distant, however, the more I was loving and giving the better I felt about myself, so I continued.

In time, relationships that seemed to have lost all luster began to get re-ignited. We started speaking again, even meeting one-to-one. We realized the depth we felt with one another was indeed something that should not be missed. They started responding to love, and today these two relationships are once again an intimate part of my life.We enrich each other’s lives in the most beautiful way.

I realized how important it is to develop the heart of a lover to attract an abundance of love into our lives. By sitting on the edge, hoping and wanting, pining and yearning, nothing happens. We have to drop the defenses, the ego.We have to let go of the set patterns and love like we have never loved before. Whether things change in the outside world or not, it’s all about what you start feeling within. You feel rich when you have the heart of a lover. You feel abundant. And the feeling of abundance draws abundance to itself.

I love the feeling of love. And I aim to indulge a lot more in it. You?

Article by MEGHA BAJAJ
