Dear Daaji,
How can we develop unity when we experience so many difficulties working together?
Dear Eva,
Glad you could secure admission in the most prestigious management school of Europe. Be it the corporate world or a spiritual organization, what matters most is the ability to work together in harmony, with mutual trust and respect.
Can these aspects become a subject of the academic world? At the most, we can share the importance of integrating various traits in a personality and erasing the unnecessary negative traits. Such a lofty aim is attainable naturally when we adhere to the ten principles given to us by Babuji. All these principles, including our meditative practice, are meant to create peace and harmony within while we grow in consciousness.
The peace and harmony that develop become a canvas in our life. The integrated self can integrate well with others. It is impossible to expect unity from individuals who lack personal integration.
The tendency to fight, argue, and dominate comes from the dominant influence of the lower chakras. What makes us human is the Heart chakra. As it blooms and unfolds, many qualities come alive, such as generosity, kindness, compassion, courage, etc. The discriminating intelligence is sharpened.
The tendency to create ripples in a harmonious environment is like the entry of a tiger in ambush mode. Many people fall into this category when they express themselves. External behavior, words, and actions reveal the true spiritual dimension of an individual. The movement across various chakras is always dynamic. One day, I may be totally absorbed in a state prevalent at the third chakra, and a few hours later the condition of the ninth chakra may take over. Perhaps you are at the twelfth chakra with the grace of the Great Master, displaying all the traits of that environment, but due to carelessness you become fearful, plummeting your absorbency to the fourth chakra. Hence, there is a need for vigilance all the time.
Finally, naturalness must exist among us when true unity prevails. No one needs to inspire us or remind us of its necessity. Let our spirit speak for itself. The guiding force is always the voice of the heart. Meditation with Pranahuti is a game changer in the field of yoga.
Hope to see you all soon.
With love and respect,

Kamlesh Patel is known to many as Daaji. He is the Heartfulness Guide in a tradition of Yoga meditation that is over 100 years old, overseeing 14,000 certified Heartfulness trainers and many volunteers in over 160 countries. He is an inn... Read More