DAAJI shares some thoughts on heartfelt acceptance and all it has to offer. He says, “Therefore, all that can happen will always be for all of us.” Enjoy the activity he proposes to support the intrinsic goodness of our hearts!
Dear friends,
There is intrinsic goodness in all of us. We do not have to think about how to be good—it just happens. For example, when someone asks you your name, you don’t think, it spills out. Does it require effort or imagination to speak the truth? Only lies require effort. Goodness flows naturally from within.
Allowing our innate goodness to manifest is effortless, it is the heart’s natural tendency. When the mind is at rest, the heart automatically responds to creation. Supporting a family is natural, and it is the heart that lovingly responds to this call. If the mind interferes, it can create layers of complexity. An evolved mind is naturally aligned with the heart. When the mind is a witness to a receptive heart, the two attain perfect synchronicity; our conscience remains clear and our goodness manifests naturally.
In life, we carry many responsibilities—toward our family, society, and even the world. Our hearts are able to innately respond to each responsibility if we let them.
At the same time, we must be responsive to our own needs—to prepare, refine, and sensitize our hearts and bring our minds to rest. This is achieved through sincere meditation. A meditative mind allows intuition to arise from within our hearts. The inspirations we receive guide us gently toward our transformation. Meditation fosters this transformation into better individuals. It is then that we are more responsive in our duties to ourselves and to others, and we discharge them with clarity and heartful intent.
There is no need to compare our effectiveness or skill with others. That is not a healthy use of ego. When we look upon others, it can be for the sake of inspiration. The healthy way to channel the ego is through competition with ourselves, where we attempt to continuously improve by being better than we were before.
Consequently, we set higher and higher goals for ourselves. Like peaceful warriors, we work with our own imperfections, performing each act with greater skill each time. As we manifest the heart’s intrinsic values, we naturally awaken to our responsibilities.
Transformation deepens when we shift our understanding from “I belong to this world, what can it do for me?” to, “The world is mine! What can I do about it?” This may perhaps sound egotistic, but without the feeling of ownership, of belongingness, we will always short-change ourselves.
With a sense of belonging, we build relationships. And without a sense of belonging, we break relationships. This sense of belonging is inclusive and accepts everyone and everything in the universe.
Acknowledging and accepting the intrinsic goodness in everyone’s heart is also the beginning of forgiveness. This heartfelt acceptance allows us to surpass the need to tolerate or to surrender to anything. It is the intrinsic goodness of the heart that allows me to accept all that is, as mine. By the same token, it also allows me to become theirs. Therefore, all that happens will always be for all of us. Together we shape our shared destiny.

An evolved mind is naturally aligned with the heart.
When the mind is a witness to a receptive heart,
the two attain perfect synchronicity;
our conscience remains clear and
our goodness manifests naturally.
Activity 1:
Think over the phrase, “intrinsic goodness of the heart.” What does it mean to you? Write any insights in your journal.
Activity 2:
Meditate for a few minutes, thinking that everyone is being filled with love and devotion and that real faith is growing stronger in them. May this entire Earth be engulfed with peace, with love, with grace.
Activity 3:
Starting today, practice seeing the intrinsic goodness in your heart and in the hearts of all you come in contact with:
- In the morning before you start your day, remind yourself of this intention and imagine practicing it in various situations. Expand it from yourself to your loved ones, to your community, to work colleagues, to staff in restaurants, grocery stores, your city, etc. Note the nature of any feelings that arise.
- If a situation arises where you are irritated or angered by someone, pause and place a thought that there is goodness in that person’s heart, even if you can’t see it straight away. End the pause with a prayer for that person—may they be free of negativity.
- During the day, pause and remind yourself of the intrinsic goodness in yourself and others as it radiates out from your heart.
I wish you all the best in your onward journey,

Kamlesh Patel is known to many as Daaji. He is the Heartfulness Guide in a tradition of Yoga meditation that is over 100 years old, overseeing 14,000 certified Heartfulness trainers and many volunteers in over 160 countries. He is an inn... Read More