ZACH BUSH, MD, explores Nature’s role in our regenerative future, the fact that we can no longer see ourselves as separate from Nature, and what we can become when we accept that we are of this Earth.

It’s time we found a new mirror to look into. The only one I’ve found globally that works for every person of every socioeconomic class, every race, and every creed is Nature.
Nature is the only place where we will be seen for the beauty we can be, rather than the trauma we’ve lived.
Nature is unchanging in her capacity to birth and create by our attitude and our awareness of her. She’s constantly asking us back into a relationship so that the playfulness of creativity and creation can flow through our own kindness.
We have so much opportunity to become something we have not been before. But to get there, it’s time to come to terms with the fact that we are all of this Earth.
We are a transmutation of the elements of the soils, the air, and the waters of this Earth. They self-organized within the wombs of our mothers to become the humans we are. If we come to terms with the fact that we are never separate from the Nature within us and the Nature around us, we may finally look into the correct mirror to see the beauty and potential of ourselves.
The Earth is not yearning for us to look to her. I believe that Nature is yearning to see herself in us. If she had no care for that, we would probably not exist. But we are here, the most sentient and intelligent beings that have been brought forth from the soils of the Earth, from the microbiome that lives within us and around us, from the shared intelligence of thousands of species that collaborate. We are here to create the information stream in our minds that will create the opportunity for curiosity, and the creativity that comes out of that curiosity, and the productivity that will be aligned and productive within the constructs of Nature.
We are the living natural law. We are the system of biology iterated again and again on this planet until we appear. It is in our abstract belief that we are separate from this source of life, within this Earth. And so, we have become destructive and extractive of the elements of nature.
May we remember to be seen by this Earth so that we might recalibrate, retune, and become the humankind we are capable of being.
Nature is the only place where we will be seen for the beauty we can be,
rather than the trauma we’ve lived.
It is my hope that we all remember to send prayers to the children, the mothers and fathers, and the grandparents of every nation that is at war today. We can offer a collective prayer that the pattern will be broken, that forgiveness will become a language that is shared among nations, that is taught in the hearts of our children before they have the opportunity to learn the hate of our past. I hope that we pray into the Nature around us until we can see ourselves for the beauty that we can become. May we become that humankind.
I’m honored to be alive now with each of you. We are here collectively to ask the deepest questions, to find the deepest answers, to discover our capacity for transformation, transmutation, and creativity within the Nature that we live.
May you be blessed and remember every day, every year; Nature always remembers us. Blessings on you and those you love. May forgiveness be the new language in your hearts and minds toward one another and toward the world around you.
This is our regenerative future.
Illustrations by LAKSHMI GADDAM

Zach Bush