Dear Master,
What qualities allow us to go deeper into communication on various levels?
Dear Chinu bhai,
Everything communicates. We only need to perceive those vibrations, sometimes spoken, often unspoken, and sometimes expressed via painting, sculpture, architecture, music, meditation, or deep silence. There is so much that is communicated all around us. The ultimate communication is where we communicate with the Self and try to find the meaning of life. Will life speak to us?
The entire creation is filled with sound. It began with sound, runs with sound, and will end with sound into deep silence. We are enjoying the running of this creation. There is no need to explore the sound that was there at the moment of creation, or the sound that will exist when there is nothing once again. What matters now is to perceive the Eternal Sound, the Eternal Vibration, the soundless sound akin to that which prevailed before the creation.
Let us venture into one aspect of daily living. We observe such things happening in front of us all the time. Men are generally surprised by the intuition of their mothers, sisters, and wives. The intuition of a lady cannot easily be undermined. In general, her feelings surpass the logical and limited approach of men. Perhaps that is why men are more prone to getting into trouble, since intuition unveils their lies. Intuition is like reading–not a book, but a face, feeling the emotion in a voice, or the emotion behind silence. These are also forms of communication. Someone sets the vibration, and another person perceives and responds.
Once, a group of us were traveling in France between Augerans and Grenoble in four cars. Those of us in our car were discussing how suitable one man was as a potential husband for a woman. In another car was the man who was the subject of our discussion, and he was being teased with a lot of sweetness, as generally happens around such topics. Surprisingly, in both cars, the discussion centered around bringing these two people together as a lifelong couple. When we had our lunch break, we discovered that all of us had been discussing the same topic. It was brought to the fore, and they were engaged that very afternoon!
Why am I sharing this? Multiple individuals can have the same intuition. Though rare, it is possible. Many scientific discoveries happen simultaneously by researchers who are unknown to one another, sometimes within the period of a single week.
I often used to sense the end of meditation during individual sessions with a trainer. My inner voice and the outer voice of the trainer would coincide as if I were announcing the end of the meditation. Perhaps it is not intuition, but it happens due to the nature of the spiritual work. I am not the only person who has felt this. I have noticed that many people to whom I have given remote meditations write back indicating how long they were, what I did in the beginning, and how they ended!
Thus, we see the unfolding of many styles of communication. Another level of communication is between yourself and your Spiritual Entity (S.E.). First, you have to have a corresponding S.E., and then you must have a channel established between the two. Third, the need for communication must arise and evoke a response.
Another level of communication is between earthly souls and the personalities of the Brighter World. Such encounters are rare but not impossible.
Sometimes, less evolved beings are guided through dreams. If the hints had been given in a waking state, they might have considered them to be pure imagination. When instructions are given in a dream by someone they revere or love immensely, they cannot resist them.
The basic requirement for deep communication is purity and simplicity. When purity and simplicity become the hallmark of our existence, inner silence becomes automatic, providing total clarity in all situations. Silence of the heart, giving birth to the essence of silence, opens infinite possibilities for spiritual growth and evolution at an individual level. In the silence of the heart we develop faith. In the silence of the heart we receive Grace. In the heart of silence we can have the true darshan of the Lord. The heart of silence remains unadulterated and in direct connection with the Creator. Listening to this deepest silence offers us the most rewarding aspect of our practice, and it makes available all the answers we seek.
Silence allows the voice of conscience to be heard under all circumstances. There will be moments in life when our wisdom is challenged. At times, we make just the right decision, while at other times the decision is not made appropriately. When we reflect on these instances, we see that it was when we did not listen to the heart that we went wrong. Interiorization deepens the silence, whereas exteriorization moves us away from the heart of silence, the Center, and we suffer and lose peace.
How can we increase the depth of inner silence? We have to focus deeply on interiorization. Personal work upon ourselves, plus group meditations, and the multiple seminars we organize are geared toward this purpose. Sit motionless, reverentially, with all attention toward the heart of silence, meditate prayerfully, and see the effect. You will have to make some conscious efforts to disconnect yourself from those things that would otherwise pull you outward.
In deep silence, we receive inspiration, where feelings come to the surface and express themselves as words. Inspired words, arising from the very center of our being, are charged and have their own life. Additionally, decisions made in consonance with the heart of silence will always be correct. The practices of yama, niyama, pratyahara, and dharana all fall into place in just the right manner with utter simplicity, and this is sahajata.
Thus, by remaining deeply in touch with the heart of silence, or to put it simply, by remaining meditative while engaging in all activities, including communication, we can witness supreme civility and nobility in all facets of life. This is the real meaning of Yogaha karmasu kausalam, योगः कर्मसु कौशलम् (Yoga is excellence in action).
With love and respect,

Kamlesh Patel is known to many as Daaji. He is the Heartfulness Guide in a tradition of Yoga meditation that is over 100 years old, overseeing 14,000 certified Heartfulness trainers and many volunteers in over 160 countries. He is an inn... Read More