BRIGITTE SMITH speaks about the social responsibility of artists, and creativity’s role in inspiring new thought processes.

In the urgency of our time, we are forced to be aware of the need of renewal of the spirit within, and the hopeful healing of the planet we live on and have so very much neglected.
As artists, we have the inner urge to become aware of the spirit of the time we live in. We are moved to use our work to develop greater awareness and a sense of responsibility in the viewer.

It has always been the duty of art to inspire new thought processes.
The more we all connect to our inner Self, to our higher Self, the more we are guided to do the work we are here for. Every soul has a purpose in its incarnation. Since we have been given this urge to put forth into form and thought and action, we can connect with our spirit to find out what it might be.

If we find our true purpose, it creates a great feeling of joy and gratitude and responsibility to be true. I think the ability to create is in all of us, once we uncover our purpose.

An artist transforms thought into form, may it be dance, music, painting, or sculpture. The artist’s responsibility is to be truthful to their calling, and try to clean their channel, for the product to emerge clean and connected to their inner truth.

I am now in my eighties, and my learning on the path has been many years. I can witness this process within myself and in my pictures. In great joy I have noticed that I have become more and more a channel for my soul to speak and put that into form.
An artist transforms thought into form,
may it be dance,
painting, or
sculpture. The artist’s responsibility is
to be
truthful to their calling, and try
to clean their channel, for
the product
to emerge clean and connected to
their inner


Brigitte Smith