SENTHIL KUMAR VISWANATHAN shares his experience of meditating with Transmission, and how much easier it is to dive deeper into the spiritual journey because of this very beautiful energy.
I have been meditating with Transmission for 25 years, and I would like to use an analogy to illustrate the difference between meditation with and without Transmission.
We are all used to listening to music on airplanes while on a flight. There is a lot of background noise where the music is hardly audible using the regular headphones. One solution to this is to use a noise cancelling headphone. The noise cancelling headphone when switched on, makes the music very clear and audible even with a lot of background humming noise of the aeroplane. How does this really happen? The noise cancelling mechanism uses vibrations that are phase inverted (opposing to the noise), which nullifies the background noise. This makes the music so crystal clear that we are able to hear even the slightest and subtle sounds in the music, though there is a lot of noise all around us.
Similarly, what really happens when we meditate with Transmission? Transmission is a subtle transformative energy and it seems to create a field, just like the noise cancelling headphones, where the noise of the mind seems to be nullified in some sense, creating a field enabling us to really feel the subtle happenings beneath the noise. This Transmission is the vibratory energy coming from a living Guide that creates the field where the settling of the activities of the mind seems to occur with relative ease.
Meditation without Transmission is like listening to music using regular headphones—there is a lot of background noise. Even though the music is playing, the subtle sounds are overpowered and eclipsed by the background noise. Though we are able to hear something, it is not as good as listening using the noise cancelling headphones. Though we are able to meditate to some extent, it is relatively not as deep and absorbed as meditating with Transmission.

Transmission is the subtle vibratory
energy that creates the field where
meditation becomes easy.
Transmission is the subtle vibratory energy that creates the field where meditation becomes easy. But, it is important to be alert in order to feel the subtlety when the clutter of the mind is eased, otherwise it is easy to miss it or even slip into sleep. Similarly, while meditating, the alertness and awareness is required to feel, observe and witness what lies beneath the noise and clutter of the mind. This is when Viveka or the mind’s faculty of discrimination is heightened if one is alert enough. Using this heightened and expanding Viveka, one can now see what lies beneath – like that of a still pond. Now, what do we do with such a mind that is alert, aware and absorbed? By carrying this state of heightened absorption through the day, we are able to perform our tasks much better and effectively with a higher sense of discrimination and awareness.
Illustrations by ANANYA PATEL

Senthil Viswanathan
Senthil is an engineering management professional in the telecommunication and semiconductor domains with five US patents to his credit. He has been a Heartfulness practitioner for 25 years and is a Heart... Read More