In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the Brighter Minds Program emerges as a transformative initiative designed to enhance children’s cognitive abilities and develop their sense of observation. Brighter Minds integrates cutting-edge theories with practical techniques to foster intellectual and personal growth. Young Canadian, YEGANEH HASSANI, shares her experience of how it has transformed her life.
My name is Yeganeh, I am 14 years old, and at the age of 7 my parents introduced me to Brighter Minds, seeking to enlighten my educational journey. Initially, I was reluctant to spend my Sundays attending a four-hour class, as I would have preferred to play at the park with my friends. However, as a social person, I decided to enroll in the program, motivated by the opportunity to meet other children and make friends. This decision marked the beginning of my transformation.
On the first day, the instructors showed us a video of a girl aged 10 performing various exercises blindfold. She would identify the color of plastic balls behind her back by feeling them, and state the color without looking. This was presented as an example of what we could achieve. Over time, I realized that this program would require significant dedication, practice, and perseverance. It was a demanding program that would occupy much of my time.
The course involved practicing exercises, listening to music, and attending sessions. Gradually, I began to understand the true meaning of “You can’t get results until you put in the work.” Most seven-year-olds, including myself, are not accustomed to pushing their minds to their full potential, which is why this program challenged me in numerous ways. It tested both my strengths and weaknesses, making me more resilient and effective. While the progress was evident to parents, educators, and peers, the struggle to remain consistent and persistently repeat the same practices made me intensely impatient.
After hours of discipline and determination, practicing became second nature. There was no longer a need for my father to remind me to practice, no need for my mother to prompt me to prepare for sessions, and no more dread of the long hours of practice ahead. Instead, I eagerly looked forward to practice, asking my father if he would come and test me. I was excited about attending sessions and would ask my mother to arrive early so I could be the first in class. I was grateful for the opportunity to develop new skills and enhance my abilities.
As the years passed, I grew older and ascended the academic ladder, with each grade becoming slightly more challenging than the last. For many children, this can be overwhelming and emotionally draining. I have experienced this firsthand. As an extroverted child brimming with energy, I often found myself distracted, with a very short attention span. This made it difficult to stay focused in class, complete assignments, and grasp some of the material being taught.

After enrolling in Brighter Minds, the first to notice changes in my behavior were my teachers. Within just three weeks, I made tremendous improvements. Suddenly, I was answering questions, completing my work without distractions, and significantly boosting my test scores. By the fifth week, my family and friends began to notice my progress and were astonished by the remarkable difference.
None of this would have been possible without key elements that supported my development:
- One crucial pillar is support. Without adequate support from guardians, our progress can become challenging.
- Patience and discipline are also essential. Parents need to understand that results do not appear after two sessions. Progress comes with patience and consistent effort. Children also need to recognize that development takes time. Results will come with perseverance and practice.
- And parents, practicing with your child daily will bring optimal results. Engaging with Brighter Minds music, doing brain exercises, and attending all sessions together will foster better cognitive development and strengthen your bond. Children often resist activities at first, so making practice times engaging and interactive will both improve cognitive function and enhance your connection.
Making practice times engaging and
interactive will both improve cognitive
function and enhance your connection.
With these key concepts in mind, you and your child will be well-equipped to face any challenge. Remember, together we are nurturing the next generation of children!

Yeganah Hassani
Yeganeh is a Grade 9 student at Iroquois Ridge High School, Toronto, Canada. She is a competitive swimmer and plays both piano and guitar. Her Brighter Minds experience includes intensive cognitive development... Read More