LYNN GEDDES explores the importance of what we think and how our thoughts create our own unique reality. She also shares a way to change that reality by working with intentions and manifestation.
Whether you think you can, or you think you can't— you're right.
—Henry Ford
We see what we become and we become our world.
—Deepak Chopra
Like you, I am a unique individual. There are no two people in the whole world who are exactly the same. Could it be that this is because the world I inhabit, the world I perceive, is created by me and only me? Based on my beliefs, reinforced by my experience, and enlivened by my feelings, the world I come to know, to live in on a daily basis, is actually a projection of my thoughts. And this makes it totally unique.
Over 30 years’ experience in counseling, specifically addiction counseling, has led me to an awareness that resonates with the famous Henry Ford quote above. Clearly there are many factors involved in creating our individual world and how we inhabit and experience it. And one of the core elements, in my experience, is what we think.
Time and time again I have witnessed self-fulfilling prophecies in action. An individual experience, the beliefs that support the thinking, and the intensity of the feelings that are associated with the experience all add to the power of creation.
As we develop a particular way of being—character or personality for ease of understanding—our very own individual way of perceiving the world develops and we inhabit our own reality. This in turn gives us our unique experience of life. This individual experience of life is further enhanced by the feelings associated with that experience, and the cycle is complete by reinforcing our thinking of “me, my life, my world, my reality.”
If we take the beliefs that support our thinking, it’s worth investigating what created those beliefs in the first place. Quite often they are not actually ours—we may have inherited them from our parents or peers. If we believe something to be true and yet have no evidence to support that truth, is it really part of our world or does it belong in someone else’s world?
If we take an experience, the associated feelings that grow and enhance that experience in turn form and affect our character or personality. Good or bad feelings give us the discernment of good or bad experiences. We experience the feelings, and if they are repeated often enough, they become part of our world, our way of being. So, an experience that is actually neither good or bad, becomes good or bad depending on the feelings we associate with it. How we think or remember it.
Finally, if we think that the feeling associated with an experience is true, it becomes our reality, our life. We have created a unique way of being that is ours. Can or can’t – either way we’re correct.
Following these steps of creation, some of us more consciously than others, it is possible to create a way of being through manifesting.
Simple easy steps, when repeated, are given energy by invoking feelings. They are unique to you, and you can develop a new way of being, new beliefs and experiences, that in turn create a new reality.
An experience that is actually neither good or bad,
becomes good or bad depending on
the feelings we associate with it.
How we think or remember it.
Create an Intention with the 3 Ps
Make your own statement that is:
Personal: it is only about you.
Present tense: it has not been, and is not to come. Use the power of now.
Positive: feel what it’s like to have the experience you are manifesting, really feel it as you repeat the statement.
Start with:
I AM—that’s the first two Ps taken care of.
Now, feel what the experience will bring you.
Say it frequently, every day, for 6 months. Release the experience of creation and see for yourself how it manifests.

P.S. Some thoughts never result in much; they never make it to the finish line. This usually happens because the belief system may not be based on your personal experience, but has been taught to you by another person. Or maybe it is not positive, e.g. “I can’t…”
Illustrations by JASMEE MUDGAL

Lynn Geddes
Lynn lives in the Highlands of Scotland and is semi-retired. Trained as a Youth & Community Development Worker, she worked in education for over 10 years before moving to counseling specializing in addiction.... Read More