SARA BUBBER shares a story about shifting from misery to joy through a simple practice of gratitude. She then shares some tips on gratitude and asks us to do some fun activities.
Once upon a time, a little bird lived in a scorching desert. She lived in miserable conditions. No feathers, a weak body, hardly any food, and little will to live on. She cursed her pitiable and lonely life every single day.
One day, the winds changed and she sensed a presence in the air around her. She realized that a beautiful angel, with a soft purple aura, was on its way to meet the Lord. The sympathetic angel sensed that someone was in need and stopped near the little bird.
“Little bird, what ails you?”
The bird replied, “I am alone, I am sick, I am almost lifeless. How can I be happy? I am tired of my existence here. No one has ever asked about me. Who are you, and where are you going?”
The angel replied, “I am God’s angel, and I am on my way to the abode of the Lord.”
The bird saw a glimmer of hope and put in a small request, “Can you ask God for a way out of my suffering?”
The angel agreed and moved on its way.
As the angel arrived at the house of the Lord, he mentioned all he had seen in the vast lands of the Earth: the people he had guided, the people who refused to accept guidance, and finally, the little bird he encountered in the hot desert.
“Lord, how long does the bird have to suffer? It pained me to see her there all alone waiting for an end.”
The Lord told the angel that the bird had to suffer a long punishment, and it could be lifetimes before she was out of pain.
The angel felt really bad and hated to be the bearer of this news. He tried again and asked God, “Is there no way out of this trouble?”
God smiled and told the angel, “Of course there is. Tell the bird she can use a small mantra. Anytime and every time, let her say, ‘Thank you God for everything, even in the worst of situations.’”
The angel went back and told the bird the message from God. The bird was excited at the possibility of relieving her suffering.
A few months later, the angel flew over the same spot where the desert lay, and was surprised to see a garden in full bloom, with flowers, shady trees and a waterbody. The angel thought he had travelled on a different route, but then realized the spot was the same. A bird was chirping happily. Sadly, the angel thought of the bird he had seen months back and thought she must have met her end.
The little songbird called out to the angel and thanked him.
“Who are you?” asked the angel.
“Do you not recognize me? You helped me with a message from God. Remember?”
The angel was shocked. He conveyed its best wishes and moved on.
As the angel landed in the abode of God, still perplexed, God asked, “What is the matter child?”
The angel asked, “God, you had said the bird had to suffer many lifetimes. How did she transform herself and her surroundings in such a short period of time?”
God said, “It is simple. When you are grateful, you express your joy, and joy brings abundance.”
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance,
chaos to order, confusion to clarity.”
- Melody Beattie
Joy is everywhere. We need to refine our vision to be able to see it.
Joy is in the trees dancing to the breeze.
Joy is in the mother dog feeding her puppy.
Joy is in smiling at everyone.
Joy is in having one more day to live life.
What are five things that bring you small joys?
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________
Draw an image of a joyous scene from the movie of your life:

Sara Bubber
Sara is a storyteller, Montessori consultant, and a children’s book author. She is also a naturalist, doing her doctoral work in eco-consciousness in childhood. She has been practicing Heartfulness for eight y... Read More