MAMATA VENKAT shares 6 simple time management tools you can apply that will help combat the stress that comes with balancing multiple priorities at work.
I burst into tears the other day after a long day at work. A few projects hadn’t worked well, roadblocks prevented me from moving forward on some tasks, and I hadn’t slept well the night before, leaving me exhausted and spaced out. Normally, these things wouldn’t overwhelm me, but combined, they made me feel like a hare-brained mess, and I questioned my ability.
Unmanageable days are normal. Often I pile work, stress, and emotions so high that by the time I realize how overwhelmed I am, the pile is already quickly falling around me. If only I had enough arms to catch everything! Knowing that life will always throw several things at me, I decided to be preemptive about the way I handle the stress of it. That way, even when I can’t fully anticipate chaos, at least I will be inwardly still, prepared to handle anything. As my mom always reminds me, it often comes down to time management.
So here are 6 simple hacks that can help preempt even the most stressful days, if you practice them consistently:
1. Have a regular routine.
While disruptions are normal, there are things about our routine that we can control. Small things, such as waking up at the same time, having three to four hours in the morning before we start work, eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the same time. All these will help set your internal biological clock and make your body feel more at ease.
2. Schedule 30 to 60-minute work blocks, then take a 15-minute break.
Especially because of remote work during the pandemic, the pattern of working without taking breaks has become normal. This unhealthy pattern can lead to faster mental and physical burnout and lower work productivity. Scheduling dedicated work blocks, then schedule a 15-minute break to get up, stretch, hydrate, and give your mind a rest.
3. Reduce meeting times.
Have 15, 30, or 45-minute meetings, so that you leave time to manage deliverables. My days can be filled with back-to-back meetings, forcing me to work late into the night to complete my actual work.
4. Get your steps in!
Don’t take your body for granted. The less you take care of your physical health, the more worn out you will feel. Even 10 minutes of exercise a day can make a huge difference. Try scheduling your work breaks around some exercise.
5. Make mental health a habit.
Mental wellness is just as important as physical wellness. Exercises like meditation will help you to regulate the emotions and thoughts that create stress, anxiety, and other negative reactions, so it is easier to meet tougher days in a more balanced state.
6. Sleep, sleep, sleep!
Do you operate with the incorrect assumption that you can function on little or no sleep? Sleep is critical to purifying and restoring your system. Try to get the recommended 7 to 8 hours sleep each night.

Mamata Subramanyam
Mamata, a long time Heartfulness meditator and trainer, is the social media editor for Heartfulness Ma... Read More