MONICA VERMA-VACHERY has worked with subtle energies for 20 years. Here she describes the experience of measuring the effects of a Heartfulness Meditation group session on the energy of individuals and the room in which the meditation was conducted. The results are inspiring, and Monica is now asking more questions about how we can improve our lives through simple heart-based meditation practices.
Where it all started
The subject of intelligent subtle energy and prana, the vital life force that moves through us and our environments, fascinates me. I have worked with auric energies for healing, harmony, and inner growth, and my fascination with how it all works has only grown.
About 20 years ago, I made a life changing decision. As a fresh engineer, I had successfully completed an MBA and the world of work lay before me. Yet the thought of a 9 to 5 job felt suffocating, and I was torn about how to move forward. Thus began my quest to find out what brought me joy.
What has unfolded over these 20 years has been nothing short of amazing. I found myself on a completely new journey of discovery, learning from masters in the fields of space and human energetics, cymatics, sound therapy, intuition, aura reading, BioGeometry®, bioenergetics, body energy systems, including the wonders of sthapatya veda, the ancient wisdom of Vastu, and the intricate art of Feng Shui.1 As a student of BioGeometry®, I’ve had the privilege of learning advanced foundational BioGeometry® with Dr. Robert Gilbert and Environmental Home Solutions (BG-EHS) applied skills with Sayed Karim. BioGeometry® is a science developed by Dr. Ibrahim Karim of Egypt. It is the science of establishing energetic harmony between biological fields and their environment. Dr. Karim uses tools that can help measure the subtle energies in great detail on all the seven planes of existence.2 I’m grateful for the opportunity to have studied under some of the leading experts in these fields.
Being able to see how subtle energy, the life force, flows through us, through everything that surrounds us, and how it flows through our environments, is the thread that connects it all.
Working with the physical healing of scores of people over the years, as well as with the energies of physical spaces, I have been able to observe how blockages in the flow of prana, life force, in the physical environment show up in the body of the people living there, often manifesting as health issues or relationship challenges, and vice versa. When these blocks are cleared, energies shift and healing and harmony can follow.
The Heartfulness meditation aura/energy study
In February 2024, I was at a wellness expo, capturing aura images of the attendees. To my left was the Heartfulness Meditation table where volunteers were distributing flyers for their upcoming events and inviting attendees to their Sunday meditation sessions.
My interest in their work was piqued. I’ve followed the HeartMath Institute and their ground-breaking research on heart coherence for years. Having learned how to measure subtle energy fields, I was really curious about Heartfulness Meditation.
A friendly Heartfulness trainer approached me and was intrigued by the possibility of measuring aura changes or energy shifts in the room where heart-based meditation was taking place. I quickly proposed a study to explore potential shifts in the energy of a space where Heartfulness Meditation was taking place, as well as changes in the auric fields of people who were in meditation.
Biofield (aura) imaging and energy measurements
On the day of the study, I arrived half an hour earlier than the scheduled meditation time to set up my equipment3 and take baseline measurements of the space. I waited quietly at the back of the room as the meditators began to arrive. Of the 25 meditators present, eight (four men and four women) volunteered to have their auras measured before and after the meditation session. One by one I took their aura images. A separate room at the back of the hall had been set up as the controlled environment. This room was set up with full spectrum lights and a high-resolution camera to record before and after aura imaging of the eight volunteers. This room was separate from the meditation area and would remain closed during the meditation so the focus would be the shift in the auric field of the volunteers and not the room.
My objective
My objective was to measure any energy changes both in the room as well as in the auric fields of meditators before and after the Heartfulness group meditation. I used biofield imaging software and BioGeometry® tools to make these measurements.5
I also measured the level of gold centering vibration in the room, the BG35 energy quality. This is the energy quality that BioGeometry® founders have said resonates with the Divine plane—energy that is universal, going beyond individual selves. Some examples include the energy of the auric halo seen around saints and masters, and also the healing vibration found at sacred spots such as the pyramids, certain temples, churches, and mosques. This energy creates balance on all levels producing harmony. It is a form of energy quality that we feel during deep prayer, a sort of connection to another dimension.
This BG3 gold energy comprises three frequencies: a higher harmonic of ultraviolet; a higher harmonic of gold; and the frequency called horizontal negative green (carrier energy). The energy of BG3 is beneficial to the health of humans, animals, and plants (Dr. Karim).
My findings
When the meditation began, I was at the rear of the main meditation space. I had a biofield (aura) video camera running to capture any energy shifts in the room. A Heartfulness trainer sat at the front of the room leading the meditation for 25 meditators, who sat facing her on chairs and floor mats. The meditation began when she said, “Please start meditation.”
I began by measuring the BG3 energy, using the BioGeometry® Quantitative BG3 Physical Ruler. At the start of the meditation there was no BG3 energy in the room. The aura video displayed a typical energy distribution in the room. The energies are translated into colors by the software; with each color corresponding to a particular frequency of vibration.
Things began to get exciting around five minutes into the meditation.
Aura video camera: In the room, a red band of energy dominated the center, while darker hues prevailed at the edges, a common occurrence. As the meditators directed their attention inward, the red energy gradually dissipated and was replaced by a green channel that seemed to link the group with the room’s energy. This channel appeared above and behind where the trainer sat and then spread to all the meditators in the room. I came to understand from one of the meditators later that during this time Pranahuti (that the Heartfulness meditation uses) was flowing.
It was incredibly exciting to view this energy association
with the heart and unconditional love
appear on the screen and
stay throughout the meditation!
Green energy6, associated with the heart center, appears in aura imaging, particularly around individuals exuding unconditional love and a strong life force presence. It is found around those who effortlessly connect the spiritual and physical realms.
It was incredibly exciting to view this energy association with the heart and unconditional love appear on the screen and stay throughout the meditation!
BG3 energy measurement7: A few minutes into the meditation I checked for the presence of BG3 energy in the room. Just 5 minutes into the meditation, I found there was a significant increase in this energy. From no BG3 energy before the meditation, at 5 minutes in I measured a level of 700 units8 about 15 feet away from the group toward the back of the room. This meant that the gold energy was permeating the entire room.
My excitement was building as I silently observed the meditators from my position in the back right corner of the room. I continued to record my measurements at 5-minute intervals.

The green channel continued to remain open, and at about 15 minutes into the meditation I also observed light pink energy in the room. Light pink also corresponds to the vibration of the heart center, like green. In my typical aura imaging, I often encounter this energy around children, spring blossoms, and individuals characterized by gentleness, sensitivity, creativity, intuitive abilities, and the ability to evoke comfort in others.
As the meditation continued, the open green channel stayed, and the BG3 energy steadily increased. I measured BG3 energy rise from zero before the meditation to 700 at the 5 minute mark, then 1100 unit, 1400 units, peaking at 1800 units by the 40-minute mark in the group meditation, as shown in Figure 2.
At the 40-minute mark the Heartfulness trainer began speaking, prompting participants to gently ease out of meditation. As the meditation concluded, the open green channel closed, and the red energy reappeared.
From my vantage point in the corner, I continued to measure the BG3 levels in the room. The energy remained at the peak 1800 units for 10 minutes after meditation. It gradually declined thereafter, falling to 800 units at around 45 minutes after the meditation had ended.

Aura (biofield) measurements of people before and after meditation
After the meditation, one by one the eight volunteers walked into the back room for post meditation aura imaging. All 8 volunteers showed an improvement in their fields:
- Some showed outer auric strength and size increase,
- Some showed slight clearing of blocked emotional (sadness and anger9) energies from around the heart area,
- Some had “noise” reduction and more clarity in fields.
This energy creates balance
on all levels producing harmony.
It is a form of energy quality
that we feel during deep prayer,
a sort of connection to another dimension.

Energy measurements of the room before and after meditation
In BioGeometry®, the Seven Planes of Nature refer to different dimensions or layers of energy that influence our physical, mental, and spiritual experiences. These planes represent the subtle energy fields that interact with the material world, forming a multi-dimensional framework for understanding how energy flows and impacts us at various levels. These planes are found around us and are also found in the space that surrounds us.
The seven planes are Physical, Vital, Emotional (Astral), Mental, Spiritual 1, Spiritual 2, and Spiritual 3.
Each plane influences the others. For example, an imbalance on the emotional plane may affect the physical body, while a disruption on the mental plane can influence the spiritual journey.
Each of these planes has 10 energy qualities in BioGeometry® that are referred to as BGQ points (BioGeometry® Quality Points). These qualities feed into the energies of our 10 chakras or energy centers. So, when taking measurements, we measure each of the 10 quality points on all seven planes, or 7x10 = 70 points.

The energy qualities across the seven planes of nature within a room hold significant importance as they imprint on our energy centers.10 Any disturbances or blocks in the room can eventually manifest within individuals, and vice versa, leading to an equilibrium between the people and the room. Thus, clearing blocks on the planes of nature within a room significantly supports the human systems.
BioGeometry® tools were used to measure the 10 energy qualities11 across all seven planes of nature before and 30 minutes after the meditation in this room.
In this shared space where weekly meditation sessions occur, various other activities, including dance, cultural groups, and events, are hosted throughout the week.
Before Meditation: Several energy qualities were out of balance in the meditation room. See Figure 4.
After Meditation: All imbalanced energy qualities across all planes were restored to balance. All 70 points!
The meditators later told me that Heartfulness Meditation includes a process of cleaning and clearing of impressions in the subtle body. This is also done during group meditation.
Summary of Results
- In the group meditation, the collective energy of focusing on the heart center with intention opened an energetic channel.
- Centering/universal healing BG3 energy was birthed into the room during meditation and seemed to stay there for some time after meditation was completed.
- All volunteers experienced an enhancing, balancing effect on their individual auric fields—levels varied from individual to individual.
- Distortions in the planes of nature and the 10 qualities of the room were balanced. There was a visible clearing of blocked energy in the room also.
- In this shared space, where weekly meditation sessions occur every Sunday morning, other groups rent out the same space for various dance and cultural events throughout the week.
Before meditation, energy in the room was out of balance. After meditation, there was a measurable change in the energy of the room. This implies that the Sunday Heartfulness Meditation sessions help cleanse the space, which may benefit those who use the space immediately after them. However, the material vibrations of the events throughout the week lead to imbalance in the energies of the space again by the end of the week.
Sustained daily meditation in the space could maintain the improved auric energy benefiting all that use the space, meditators or non-meditators who use the space.

Next steps
What an incredible observation! When we sync up with the heart’s energy we enter coherence, and draw in information from a higher level of consciousness. Our collective vibrations encode the field in the space around us. We imprint the field and vice versa.
These fields are changing all the time.
This confirms that our hearts hold a superior intelligence that connects us all.
Through this study we got a glimpse into how our heart field connects to and influences both the field surrounding us as well as each of us individually.
One of the aspects of our heart intelligence is a heightened sense of intuition (as we saw in the color pink that appears around the volunteers measured).
This study opens up numerous avenues for future exploration, and sparks a series of inquiries:
- How do the findings compare with other meditation practices?
- What variations exist between groups of seasoned meditators versus novices?
- How does energy manifest in larger gatherings (of thousands of people meditating together in one space) and virtual meditative sessions?
- The possibilities are endless. For the time being, this investigation stands as a personal revelation to me of the power of our hearts.
1 Some of the teachers I’ve been fortunate to learn from:
Energy Medicine with Donna Eden
Medical Intuition and training in the Ancient Vedic Sutras and Meditation with Deborah King
Brennan Healing from the work of Barbara Brennan;
Reiki Initiated by Cara Andershock, International Center For Reiki Training (
Healing using essential oils with Dr. Eric Zielinski
Working with Crystals with Dr. Robert Gilbert, Vesica Institute
Sthapatya Veda and Vastu from three different architects trained by the renowned Sthapati Ganapati
Feng Shui and Personal Energy Directions with Marie Diamond and Denise Linn
Advanced BioGeometry® and Foundation training with Dr. Robert Gilbert, Vesica Institute
BioGeometry® Environmental Home Solutions – Applied Skills with Sayed Karim (Dr. Karim’s son)
Biofield tuning from the work of Eileen McKusick.
Sound healing techniques, Tony Nec Sound Healing Academy
2 Karim, I., 2011. Back To A Future For Mankind, BioGeometry, Createspace.
3 I set up my laptop with a biofield reader and imager software to capture live videos. The software is licensed by The biofield reader and imager both were used for the study. I also used BioGeometry® ( tools of the BG16 pendulum and the Human Archetype Ruler and its strips.
4 The biofield reader and the biofield imager software programs created by the UK based company Biofield Imaging were used: This software is a digital light filtering program. It records light around living things and is able to measure light fluctuations with healing, meditation, crystals and more. The software processes images by filtering gradations and patterns of light not normally visible to the human eye, allowing us to see the light around us in a novel way.
The Biofield Reader and Biofield Imager are an objective way for therapists and researchers to assess the light around people. Certain patterns and colours are seen in individuals who are out of balance, i.e. have health issues. As the body heals changes can be seen in the colours and patterns along with an improvement in the person's general well-being.
BioGeometry tools work by interacting with the subtle energy fields present in living beings and the environment. These tools are used to detect and measure specific types of subtle energy, including harmful electromagnetic fields (EMFs), geopathic stress, and even emotional, mental and spiritual energies. They identify energy imbalances that might be affecting health, emotions, or the environment. The Human Archetype Ruler, BG3 Quantitative Ruler, and BG16 Pendulum were used.
5 Karim, I., 2011. Back To A Future For Mankind, BioGeometry, Createspace.
6 Interpretation of colors in the aura and the room is from the work of:
UC Berkeley physicist, Cynthia Sue Larson, Aura Advantage. She also runs RealityShifters,
Dougall Fraser, intuitive coach and spiritual teacher, Your Life in Color ( )
Handbook of Biofield Imaging, page 23, lists the colors that show up in correspondence with the energies or centers
7 BioGeometry readings and measurements:
Dr. Robert Gilbert, Founder of Vesica Institute. Former US Marine Corps – Nuclear Biological Chemical Warfare Defense (NBCD) I completed training in BioGeometry® Foundation Training and BioGeometry® Advanced Foundation training with Dr. Gilbert. I also completed BioGeometry® Environmental Home Solutions Applied Skills Training with Sayed Karim (Dr. Karim’s Son).
BioGeometry® is a patented science by Dr Ibrahim Karim:
Books used:
Back to a future for mankind: BioGeometry®
Hidden reality. The BioGeometry® Physics of Quality
BioGeometry Signatures. Harmonizing the body's subtle energy exchange with the environment.
8 BG3 measurements taken on The BioGeometry® Quantitative BG3 Physical Ruler
9Biofield Anatomy Map from the work of Eileen McKusick:;
Books used:
Tuning The Human Biofield and Electric Body Electric Health
10 Description of the chakras and planes of existence come from Barbara Brennan (former NASA Physicist, and founder of the Brennan School of Healing and Centers): Hands of Light, Light Emerging, and Core Light Healing; and Dr. Ibrahim Karim and BioGeometry Training.
11 The Human Archetype Ruler (HAR) and the BG16 pendulum were used to take measurements in the room.

Monica Verma-Vachery
Monica is a passionate practitioner and teacher of subtle energy with nearly 20 years experience. Combining her engineering and MBA background with studies in BioGeometry®, Vastu, Feng Shui, Energy Medicine, a... Read More