“Attachment to views is the greatest impediment to the spiritual path.”
—Thich Nhat Hanh

To find one’s Master in a life is a rare blessing. The disciple can fulfil their potential through their practice and get reinvigorated in their faith. They are encouraged to make efforts which will lead them toward the destination, under the benevolent protection of the chosen guide.

The real cry of the seeker brings the Master to the door.

produced when you live a life guided by the heart goes beyond yourself. It is like a wave of pure air, capable of enlivening the human spirit. In the way of the heart, to work on oneself benefits the multitude. Individually you may be one, but collectively you are beacons illuminating the darkness, like the stars in a dark sky. The collective action of love-filled hearts from various paths will converge and strengthen the wave that will uplift humanity.

Generosity of the heart, humility in the heart, and flexibility. Flexibility only gives birth to generosity. And generosity leads us to making our Heart very humble. So these three qualities are very important. F,G,H, they are in sequence. Without flexibility in our heart, we remain rigid.

In Heartfulness, we meditate upon the Source of Light within our hearts. There is no need to see the light, as it is “light without luminosity.” We simply make a very subtle suggestion that it is there, and it is attracting us from within. That thought is just the springboard to experience, as we allow ourselves to explore the inner universe with the expansion of our consciousness.

Narendra Kini
Narendra lives in California and is an avid Raja Yoga practitioner. He is the co-founder and CEO of Global Touchpoints, and is involved in Real Time Analytics. One of two identical twins, he believes in spirit... Read More