A Workshop for the Young at Heart of All Ages
We all have the wisdom of the universe inside us, so in this activity ANNA-GRETHE KOUSGAARD and her students tap into that wisdom and make beautiful wisdom cards that can then be used for card games, gifts and decorations.
- Close your eyes and sit quietly for long enough to go inside and listen to your own wisdom.
- Take one card each to start with. If you know what you want to draw and write, start on your own. If not, you can choose some words from the reference library of quotes, or choose words that would comfort you if you were sad, afraid, nervous, or stressed.
- You have five cards each, so use as many of them as you want.
- At the end, make a display of all the cards.
Add a variation
Make the wisdom cards in pairs.
Have a small bag containing words on pieces of paper. The list could contain words like earth, friend, sunny, light, possible, great, incredible, jump, courage etc…
With your friend, take turns in picking a piece of paper from the bag and reading out the word.
First, on your own with your eyes closed, each see what inspires you about the word chosen. Then, together with your friend, find wisdom that you will share with others on your card.

Anne-Grethe Kousgaard